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Calum : 3 1 / 2 year old
Ashton : daddy
Luke : dada
Michael : papa
Michaels pov
Today it was nice out so the boys and I took Cal out. He has been good the whole week.

"Cal, ready to go out?" Ash ask. Cal nodded excited. We went outside and since it was hot we turned on the water hose.

"Now listen, Calum Thomas, we'll let you play in th hose but dont play in the mud." I said

"Otay, Papa." So off he went. Me, Ashton, and Luke were all sitting and talking and then we heard a scream and a small cry. We ran over to where Cal was and saw he slipped in the mud.

"Aww baby did you fall?" Luke asked. He nodded and I picked him up.

"Alright what if I give you a bath. Dada can go get you some clothes. And daddy can pick a movie, a age appropriate one Ashton" i said sending him a glare. Last time I let him pick a move we ended up watching 50 shades of gray. Ashton rolled his eyes and we went and did what we needed to do.

"Papa i sowwy" Calum said.

"For what cally?"

"For gettin muddy." Calum said looking down.

"Buddy you slipped you didn't mean to." I said. He nodded and i bathed him, luke got his clothes and we winded up eating popcorn for dinner and watched winnie the pooh.

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