daddy's baby.

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Ashton: headspace 4
Ashton's p.o.v
Dada woke me up. Dis mornin'. Really early. So I was kinda grumpy. So Dada said if I didn't stop I would go to time-out. Which of course I quit.

"Where's daddy?" I asked.

"He had some things to do today." Papa said.

"But he said he would build a fort today!"

"I know baby. He had to change plans." I sighed. I waited all night and yesterday for him to build dis wif me. No I have to wait some more. I hate waiting.

"Ashy are you hungry?" Papa asked.

"No fank you, papa." Papa sighed.

"Ashton change the attitude. Your daddy will build a fort with you today if I have to make him do it, okay?" Dada said. I nodded. I could tell that today was not the day to mess wif him. He spoke again. "Okay now what do you want to eat?"

"Cereal." I said.

"Thank you for answering." Papa said. He made me a bowl of lucky charms.(bitch I love those!!!)

I sat and quietly ate while Dada and papa left the room. I didn't want to cause trouble today. After I ate I put the bowl in the sink and I went to the living room. I climbed up,( which was not easy AT ALL,) onto the couch. I grabbed the remote. I hit the big red button. The TV flashed on. I watched whatever cartoon that was on.

After a few cartoons later, I heard the door open. I looked up to see daddy standing in the door way.

"Daddy!!" I screamed. He laughed and picked my up after I ran to him.

"How was your day, munchkin?"

"Dood. Dada and papa are grouchy." I said.

"Yea they had a rough night."

"Daddy you said you would make a fort wif me today."

"I did? Damn you remember better than I do." Daddy said.

"Bad word!!" Daddy started to laugh at me.

"Alright come on. We have to get blankets for our fort." He carried me to Dada, papa, and his room. Dada and papa are asleep on the bed.

"Shhhhh don't wanna wake them." Daddy whispered. I nodded. Daddy grabbed like 6 quadrillion blankets.

We started to make our fort. We listened to music on daddy's phone. Our fort was almost as big as our living room! After we got it finished, we layer under it and watched wine the pooh on daddy's phone then I fell asleep. Happy I got to spend time with daddy

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