Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

I resurface, sucking up all the air I possibly can into my burning lungs. "What the hell?!" I ask a smirking Austin, as I try to scoop my soaked hair out of my face. He burst out laughing at me, and all the anger I had went away. How could I be mad at him when he laughs such a beautiful laugh? Ugh. He notices my slightly embarrassed face, and stops laughing. "Hey I'm sorry, I didn't know it would make you upset," he says sincerely. Awe. I pretend to be upset as he walks closer to me, "I'm sorry, Aria. Please forgive me," he pleads as he hugs me, trying to make me feel better. Awe! I feel kind of bad for doing this now... but oh well, "Pay-back" right? I wrap my arms around his neck, and push all my weight down on him, dunking him in the pool. When he resurfaced, he looked shocked and I started laughing. "That was so not cool! Apologize!" he shouts, crossing his arms and pouting a little, making him resemble a little boy. I almost did at the adorable face he was making at me, but I held in the need. "No!" I yell back, as I stick my tongue out at him. He swims to the bottom of the pool and suddenly he was right in front of me, pushing my back to the edge of the pool's corner.

"Oh really," he whispers against my ear, as he gets closer to my face. I start breathing a little heavier, and try to look away from those hypnotizing eyes of his, though I was slipping. I look into his eyes, and everything around us disappeared. He starts leaning in until he's a hair away from my lips.

"Yeah.." I say, our lips touched as I spoke and I couldn't ignore the intense sparks in between us, and I gave into temptation. We both leaned in until our lips met, and I had the most amazing first kiss I bet anybody will have ever had. He led, since I didn't know what to do, and our lips moved in sync.

"Well well well... what have we got here?" I hear Alex say, and I open my closed eyes quickly, pushing Austin away. I blush a scarlet red, and get out of the pool.

"N-nothing!" I say. This is so embarrassing, but I'm mad. Alex interrupted the best kiss I'd probably ever have.

"Yeah, it was nothing. I'll be going inside now," Austin says, distracted.

"I'll go too, I have to get changed," I say quickly, wanting to get out of the awkward conversation me and Alex would probably have. I walk behind Austin quietly, feeling a strange urge to go and kiss him again. Gosh, that sounds bad. We walk up the stairs, and get to our rooms, right beside one another. Neither of us go inside, waiting for the other to say something. Ha-ha! I said "Say Somethin". I realize I laughed aloud when he turns and looks at me strangely.

"Uhh... I have a um Radio interview in about an hour... Would you um like to come with me? And we could do something after if you'd like... or if you don-" he says quickly until I cut him off.

"I'd love to go!" I say," let me get changed, and I'll meet you here," I say excitedly.

"Great! One hour," he says, walking into his room. I walk into mine, and hurriedly jump into the shower. After, I pick the best outfit for a Radio interview, a pretty sundress and matching sandals. Nobody important will see me, so I don't put much thought in the outfit. I curl my hair and walk towards the door. I'm pretty excited... more alone time with Austin!


(A/N) The next chapter will be fun! Thanks to everybody who read, voted, commented, and sent me great messages. You guys are awesome. Ed Sheeran's "Give Me Love" on the side <333 I love this song <3333. Oh and a shirtless Austin on the side <333. Keep reading, commenting, voting, and leaving me messages! Hope ya'll have a great weekend <333

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