Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

(Aria's P.O.V)

And I was like baby baby baby ohhhhh

I jump up startled at the sound Aubrey's ring-tone on my phone. I pick it up groggily.

"Hello?" I croak.

"Where the hell are you?! I've been calling you for the last half hour! The boys were even searching on the streets for you! Where are you two?!" she screeches. Holy crap, we're still at the beach?! I look at my surroundings and I'm conformed that we're still here. We must have fallen asleep yesterday, watching the sun set. Damnit! They're probably really worried.

"Aub, we're at the beach, we fell asleep without knowing, sorry! We're leaving right now, I'll call you when we're close to the house," I explain.

"Alright, but hurry. Alex is just about to have a heart attack."

"Okay, bye."


I try to move from my comfortable position on the sand, but find myself trapped. I start to panic, but turn around and find the beautiful face of Austin, asleep. I don't want to take the peacefulness from his sleeping face, but if we don't get hurrying we'll be in more trouble. Just as I was going to wake up Austin, a blinding flash goes off in our faces. A pap stands above us, taking about 20 pictures a second. I wake up completely in an instant, and try to wake up Austin, forgetting about his peace. "Austin! Austin! Wake up! The paps are here!" I yell in his ear. I hear them shouting "look over here!" "Austin, is this your girlfriend?" "Is this the famous Aria?"and my ears start to ring. Austin joints up quickly, and after he finds the paps surrounding us, he grabs my hand and runs us to the car. We get in, picnic blanket out of mind, and start it up. He speeds out of the lot, and in a short time we're on the high way, on our way back home. Suddenly, I burst out laughing. Austin looks at me incredulously as I continue laughing uncontrollably. After about a minute or two, yeah- it took that long, I start to calm down, and my laughter turns into a short giggle. "That was exhilarating! I want to do it again!" I say excitedly.

"Oh thank God! I though you were going insane... wait, what? You want to do that again?" he says," Maybe you are going insane.." he mutters.

I giggle," No, I'm not going crazy," I roll my eyes, "it's just that I've never done something like this before, and it felt great."

"With me... That's not a problem,"


*At the house*

When Austin and I walk into the house, Aubrey opens the door, and drags me to the living room where I meet the worried and angry gazes of Alex, Zach, Robert, Tyler, Michele, Dave, and Sarah. I have just enough time to cover my ears when the questions gets fired. "Where were you guys?" "Are you okay?" "What happened?" "Are you hurt?" "Do you know how much trouble you're in?!"

"We were at the beach, yes- we're okay, nothing happened, no-we aren't hurt, and lots...?" I answer.

"Have you seen the news?! You're everywhere!" Aubrey exclaims. She drags me to the couch and turns on the TV. She doesn't even have to change the channel when the news reporter starts talking:

Good morning, I'm Diane and I am here with breaking news. Teenage heartthrob and singer/songwriter Austin Mahone has been seen at several places with fellow Texan, Aria Johnson. They're been spotted bowling, holding hands and picnicking. Aria also accompanied Austin at his first radio interview. She even answered questions, and sung a song. They were seen yesterday evening, and this morning at the beach, holding hands, running away, and sleeping. Is this the girl that Austin is "Sayin' Somethin'" about? Or is Austin the guy that Aria has told that he is "Just a Friend?" Pictures by fans and paps are coming up next, and we even have a private picture of the duo. Heard it here first, I'm Diane Simmons here at F! news, have a great day.

Right after "Diane" says that, the screen shows pictures of Austin and I holding hands, running away, and sleeping. The "private picture" was of me and Austin kissing... at his pool. Talk about embarrassing. Aubrey shuts the TV off and turns to look at me with an exasperated expression.

"Really?!" she shouts.

"Oh my God," Is all I can say.

In the background I can here Austin talking to Dave about suing the paps because of the private picture. Before anybody can say or do anything, Aubrey grabs my arm, and drags me to her room. She locks the door, and throws me on her bed.

"You have ALOT of explaining to do," she states... Uh Oh.


This chapter SUCKS I know, but I had a REALLY long chapter but then something happened, and it disappeared and I couldn't go back and now it's boring and short and all my hard work is lost and I cant get it back and now I'm really sad. Btw- finals suck monkey butt. And I can't type more because my hand hurts :(. Don't give up on this story, please. Vote, comment, fan, and keep reading, I'll try to update as much as I can. Bye guys.


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