Chapter Two

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xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxChapter Twoxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

"Sophronia? C'mon, sweetie. Wake up."

 I could feel Kevin shaking me gently as my eyes opened. He gave me a little smile and told me that we have arrived at our destnation. Where exactly? I had no clue. I unbuckled my seat belt as Kevin helped me out of the helicopter. My bare feet were welcomed by sand as they collided to the ground, I looked over and saw the ocean. We were at a deserted beach, well, more of a island it seemed like. The sea air hit my face, making my face feel hard from all of my dry tears. Kevin held out his hand, I hesitated but I grabbed it. Where else did I have to go?  

He led me through the forest. I had to look down to make sure I wouldn't step on any rocks. We soon reached...two metal doors? That's something you don't see at a beach. Kevin let go of my hand and went over to a keypad, he punched in a few numbers and the double doors slid opened. I looked into it to see what looked like an elevator, I was hesitatant to get in. What if this is some kind of trap? But, then again, Kevin would never do that to me. Slowly, I walked into the elvator as Kevin followed. He hit a button and the doors closed, it was dark for a couple of seconds before fluorescent lights came on above us. I turned to Kevin who was just standing casaully.  

 "Where are we?" I asked him.  

Before he could answer, a screen appeared on the wall next to me. A woman appeared on the screen, she had red curly hair up in a bun and green eyes that had dark circles beneath them.  

"Hello Princess Sophronia St. Berry, and welcome to the Princess Protection Program Headquaters. I'm Lucy Van Helson." She said. "The Princess Protection Program is specifically designed to relocate princesses who are in danger to a safer location. But, before we do that, there are some steps we need to go through."  

 After she finished, the double doors opened to reveal a huge room in front of me. It was full of people walking from station to station as girls sat in chairs getting their makeup and/or hair done. There was also a giant screen that showed pictures of different princesses and where they were 'relocated'. I slowly walked out of the elevator with Kevin in tow as the woman from the screen came over to us.  

"Hello, Princess Sophronia! Welcome to the PPP." She held out her hand.  

I shook it, "Nice to meet you..."

"Now," She said, getting right to the point, "Before we relocate you, you have to go through a makeover. We can't let General Mason recognize you."

"I'll leave you two alone." I looked over at Kevin, "I'll be right here, Sophronia." He gave me a protecting smile.  

He gave me a wave as Lucy took me to a station. I sat in a chair in front of a vanity that held things such as makeup, scissors, curling irons, straigthners, every kind of bathroom fixings. I stared at my brown eyes in the mirror, they were bloodshot from all the crying that I had down. My hair was all over the place too. A hairdresser stood behind and started to brush my long hair, it felt...soothingly. My mother used to do this to me every night when I was younger. Mom. The thought of her made me sick with grief. I clenched onto the heart pendant, stopping myself from crying. But, I'm sure that I ran out of tears to cry.  

 "Well Sophronia, first we have to change your name." Lucy said, holding a clipboard.

I looked over at her, "My name?"

 "Yes, do you have any nicknames?" She asked, pen at-the-ready.  

I started to think, then smiled. My Dad would always call me 'Sophie', my grandmother would always cringe when she heard him use it. I remember when my mom tried to use it but I would never answer, I was so used to only him calling me that.  

"Sophie." I smiled at her.

Lucy wrote it down. "There. You are now Sophie Marie Berry."  

She went through more details as the hairdresser started to cut my long brown hair. I cringed everytime I heard a 'snip', there goes the 'Famous Hair of Genova'. She then went in front of me and snipped my bangs away. Hm, I could see better....I guess this does come with a little happy side effect. My hair was now only up to my shoulders and my bangs were compleltley gone.  

Without a second to spare, Lucy brought me to a seperate room in the area. There was a doube twin bed and a full lengh mirror along with a wardrobe agantist the wall. Lucy went up to the wardrobe and opened the doors to reveal numerous shirts, shoes, pants, skirts...everything!  

"You can choose what outfit to change into. I'll give you some privacy P-...Sophie." She smiled and closed the door.  

I sat down on the bed and sighed. What happened to my life? I should be in the palace right now eating lunch with my mom....not in the 'PPP' or whatever this is. Slowly, I got up and walked to the wardrobe looking through it's contents. I decided on blue skinny jeans with a yellow tank top and a black cardigan with black flats. I looked in the full length mirror and gasped. I didn't look like Sophronia...I looked like a "Sophie". I pulled my necklace out from under my shirt and made it showing, I held tightly onto the heart. Suddenly, there was a knock on the door.  

"Can I come in?" It was Kevin.

"Mmhm." I responded.  

Kevin opened the door and was instantly taken back. I guess I really didn't look like Sophronia anymore. Kevin closed the door and smiled, running his hand through his curly hair.  

 "Wow. You look...different." 

I nodded, "I know. So, what happens now?" I asked in a low voice.  

 Kevin sat down on the bed. I sat down next to him, waiting for an explanation. Even though I knew it wasn't possible, I silently hoped that he would say I could go home, that Genova was now safe. But, we both knew that was impossible.  

"Well, you're going to come to live with me and my brothers. I'll enroll you into school, and you'll be Sophie Marie Berry." He gave me a smile.

I raised an eyebrow, "Brothers?"

"Yep, I have three little brothers. Joe is twenty and is in college, but he still lives with us. Nick is actually your age and will be going to school with you. Last, but certainly not least, is Frankie who is nine. Trust me, they'll love you."

I nodded, "But...if I may ask...why are they living with you and not your parents?"  

At that moment, I instantly regretted that I asked. Kevin's face dropped as sadness seemed to take the happiness out of his eyes. He rubbed the back of his neck as he searched for the words to say.  

"My parents died in a car crash, it was a drunk driver. Nick was in the car too, but he made it out alive. The doctors called it a miracle." He answered.

I looked down, "I'm so sorry," I quickly changed the subject, "When do we leave?"  

 Kevin's expression went back to happy and looked at his watch, "Right now, actually."  

Nervousness swept through my body. Would his brothers really like me? The question replayed in my mind over and over again as Kevin and I made our way out of the HQ and into the helicopter that was waiting for us. I sat in the back seat again and buckled myself up as we were lifted up into the sky.   Here we go.

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