Chapter Nine

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Sorry for the late update, it's been crazy!! Last weekend was Homecoming and I just got back from my cousin's wedding, but here's an update!!!

----------------------------------------------------------------Chapter Nine----------------------------------------------------

"Mitchie, I told you that I'm not going to the dance." I laughed as she held up yet another dress to me.

The end of the year dance was only a week away and Mitchie was determined on making me go. Honestly, I saw no point in me going-I only been in that hell hole for five weeks and no one seemed to like me. Why go to a gathering of all the people who hate me for no reason? Mitchie put down the pink dress and gave a little frowny face, she strutted around in her own black dress that she found and knew she was going to buy. It looked gorgeous on her, she pulls off black so well.

"What if Nick asks you?" She wiggled her eyebrows. 

I sighed, thinking about the boy back at the house. It has been awkward since he made that move on me, it wasn't the kiss that I minded...but the hand up my dress. Plus, I was sure he was just using me, he did just break up with Amber. I plopped down on the white couch as Mitchie's joking expression turned into concern, she sat down next to me.

"Everything okay?"   

Might as well tell her, "Nick...sort of....made a move on me."

 Mitchie's mouth curled into an excited smile as she hopped up from the couch. She jumped and down, I couldn't help but laugh at her reaction. 

 "What's so bad about that?! He's SMOKING!" She screamed, earning a look from the store owner.  

I shrugged, "It's just...back at home we never move that was kind of a culture shock."  

"I thought you were from Texas..." She gave me a confused look.

Oh crap, "Yes! I's just I went to a Private School. You know, nuns and all that." I smiled, hoping that would be enough.

She nodded along, obviously not buying it. Luckily, she didn't question it. She went into a changing room as she talked.

"Well, why not give him a shot? I know, it may seem...odd to you, but this is L.A. babe! When guys want something, they drive right into it....and that includes Nick." She came out of the dressing room, holding her dress in a garment bag.

I looked down, Mitchie did have a point. This wasn't Genova, it was California! Nick seemed like a decent fun guy to be around. Why not give the boy a shot? I do like him...butterflies were fluttering in my stomach just thinking about him. I nodded and smiled as Mitchie clapped her hands in a mini way. After she paid for her things, she dropped me off at the Jonas house. 

I noticed that Kevin and Joe weren't home, only Nick's truck was in the driveway. Perfect. I ran my hand through my hair as I made my way up to the front door, I fiddled with the key and soon unlocked the door. Frankie was sitting on the couch, playing with DS while some Disney Channel show played in the background. I gave him a little wave but made my way up the stairs, if I didn't do this now...I would lose my courage. 

I stood in front of Nick's door and didn't even bothering knocking. I opened the door and stood in the doorway, he looked up from his guitar and to me. A slightly confused smile crept onto his face. I took a deep breathe and paced over to him. 

"Sophie, is everything okay-."

Before he could finish, I made my lips collide onto his. He deepened the kiss as he put his hand behind my neck, pulling me closer. My body touched his guitar as my hands stayed on his shoulders. Okay, Mitchie was right, 'diving' into things was pretty amazing. We separated from the kiss and just stared at each other. I took a seat next to him as he took his guitar off. I noticed our legs were touching as Nick cleared his throat.

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