Chapter Fourteen

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Pretty short and sweet....but a lot of action (if I do say so myself).

Dedicated to WeLuvNickJay because she's such a sweetheart and the most supportive person ever!!! <3

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxChapter Fourteenxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

"It's so...dark-looking."

Joe said as he and the rest of the team stepped out of the helicopter. They decided to land in a field outside Genova, to not attract attention by Mason's goons. Nick stepped out of the chopper last and took a look around. Joe was right, the kingdom had a depressing look about it. Was this Mason guy really that bad? Kevin stood beside his brothers.

"Alright guys." He called to his team, "We'll have to storm the palace at all angles-roof, basement, side, front-. Hudson, you and Unit A go through all the side entrances, Puckerman, you and Unit B take the basement. Unit C, take the front. D, front." Kevin then turned to Nick and Joe, "We'll take the roof entrance."

"You're letting us go inside with you?" Nick asked, excited yet a bit nervous.

Kevin nodded. "Might as well. The way that I'm going, we shouldn't hit many goons." 

Joe smiled, "Sweeeeet! Time to kick some ass!"

"Easy tiger." Nick couldn't help but chuckle.

Kevin smiled at his two brothers. He had to admit, it was pretty cool to have them on a mission. It was the family buisness after all. 

"Good luck, team." Kevin smiled at his men. "Break!"

Joe and Nick watched in awe as the men stormed into the Kingdom. It was hard to beleive that these were the same guys who were joking on the flight here. Nick wondered how they could switch from a joking exterior to such a hard center. 

"Well, let's head to the roof." Kevin called as he hopped back into the chopper.

Joe and Nick followed suit, looking out the window as the helicopter took to the skies again. 


"Mason requests an audience with you, Princess."

The guard told me as he unlocked my cuff once again. So far, I was only allowed out of my chain when my mother came, and when I had to go to the bathroom. Any other time, I was bound with no exception. A prisoner in my own room.

"Great. I love parties." I rolled my eyes as he and another pulled me out of the room.

I could feel a gun pressed againtist my back as we walked the halls of the Palace. I felt like I was teaching myself how to walk yet again, it was odd what not moving for a night would do to you. We stopped in front of the doors to my Father's old study. The Guard outside the door opened it and I was pushed in.

"Rude..." I mumbled to myself as the doors shut behind me.

The desk chair turned to reveal General Mason. I couldn't help but roll my eyes, he looked just as smug as I remembered. His black hair was gelled back, he still wore his sunglasses...even inside.  A mustache covered his upper lift, matching his black army uniform. He smirked, getting up,

"Princess Sophronia, welcome home." He outstreched his arms.

I scoffed. "This isn't home. As long as your here, it's not."

He put his arms down, shock crossing his features. "I have to say, I don't remember you being so...snarky. Is this Sophie coming out?"

A shiver went up my spine. Hearing him say my name, well the PPP name, gave me a bad feeling. Such gentle voices had said it before, his rough, snake-like tongue spat it out like it was posion. No, I couldn't let him see me like this...weak.

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