Chapter Six

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-------------------------------------------------------Chapter Six---------------------------------------------------------------

I closed my three ring binder and sighed, realived to have my homework completed. I was home alone, Kevin went to go pick up Frankie and Joe was on his way home while Nick was still at practice. I left my room and was going to go watch some T.V...when I noticed Nick's bedroom door opened wide, welcoming me in. I couldn't help but wonder if his songs were laying around in! Nick's songs are his private property and I have to respect that, if he wanted people to hear them then he wouldn't just be playing them behind closed doors. I nodded in agreement with myself and walked...straight into Nick's room.  

To be clear, it wasn't my brain's was as if my legs had a mind of it's own. I shrugged, might as well, I'm already in here. I looked around the room, scanning every bit of the room thinking where he would keep his songs. I got on my hands and knees, I looked under the bed to see a binder next to a acoustic guitar. I smiled to myself, Bingo.

I grabbed the two-inch binder then, still on the floor, I leaned agantist the bed. I started flipping through each plastic covered notebook page, scanning each song. They're all...amazing. Who knew a football player could have such beautiful writing skills and-  

"What the hell are you doing in my room?!"   I looked over to see Nick standing in the doorway.

 His hair less curly than before since he took a shower in the locker room. He was out of his uniform and was wearing a plain white T-shirt. I stood up, his binder still in my hands. Nick's eyes darted to it and gasped, fear was written all over his face as he grabbed it from me.  

"Where did you find this?!"  

"Under the bed-."  

 "What gives you the right to go through my stuff like that?!"  

I put a strand of hair behind my ear, "I'm sorry, but Nick-."  

"Just get out, okay?" He tried to seem tough, but his voice came out more like a plea.  

I sighed and nodded as I made my way out the door. Just as I made it out the door to the hallway, I turned back to Nick.  

"You have an amazing talent, Nick." I smiled.  

Nick gave a little half smile, but then quickly made a disgusted look as he shut the door in my face. Either way, I couldn't help but smile as I made my way to the staircase.  


Cornelia sighed as the guards followed her to the grand hall for another dinner with General Mason. She rather be locked in her room for an eternity than have to be with that monster for a hour. She stiffled a yawn, even though she locked in her room, she hasn't gotten much sleep. How could anyone expect her to sleep? Her kingdom has been taken over by a dictator and, to make matters worse, she has no idea where her daugther is. Sophronia. Her heart ached when she thought about her lost daugther.  

"Welcome, my Queen."  

Cornelia's thoughts were interrupted when Mason welcomed her to the grand hall. She almost gagged at his greeting.  

"I'm not your Queen." She spat as the guards forced her into a seat.  

Mason just smirked, "I actually have a deal for you."  

Cornelia did her best to ignore him, but the idea of a deal did intrigue her. But, a deal for what exactly? Her freedom? Her Country's freedom? She put on a 'distant' face and buttered the piece of bread that was already on her plate. As she did, Mason continued to talk about his life in his past country that had been completely destroyed by a hurricane. Cornelia didn't listen, she already knew this story.  

"What's the deal, Mason?" She asked, getting annoyed.  

 Mason smirked, obviously satisfied with Cornelia's interest in his idea. He made his way to her side of the table and put his hands on her chair. A chill went down Cornelia's spine as he got closer to her.  

"Marry me."  

She shot up from her seat. The guards looked like they were about to spring on her, but Mason stopped them. MARRY HIM?  

 "Why would I marry you?" She spit out the last two words.  

Mason smirked, "Well, if you do, I won't hurt any of the citizens of Genova...or your daugther."  

"How could you hurt my daugther? You don't know where she is." Cornelia asked, defensively.  

Mason smirked, "Oh, but we do."  

It was a lie. Mason or his men had no idea where Sophronia was-though they are working on it. But, Cornelia didn't need to know that. He just need her to be his Queen, so he could rule. If he made her his Queen, the people of Genova would trust him since Cornelia was by his side. But, he would just keep her locked away and only take her out on public appearances. And, once they did find the little brat, he would just execute her. It was the perfect set up.  

Cornelia gasped. He knew where her dear Sophronia is? How could he?! She slumped back on her chair, her heart broken into pieces. Mason smirked.   "Do we have a deal?"   She sighed, "Give me a day to think."  

A day. That's all he needed.  


Sophie P.O.V.  

"No! LEAVE HER ALONE!"   I screamed at the top of my lungs.

I was tied to a chair, watching masked men hold a knife to my mom's neck. He held her head back by pulling on her hair, her arms pinned my someone else. I started to wiggle in the chair, it was no use. I watched as the man started to....  

 I gasped. I looked around the room, I was back in the Guest Room at Kevin's house. I took deep breathes to calm myself down, it was just a dream. Dream? More like a nightmare. My pajamas felt as if they were soaked in sweat. I was about to leave to go to the bathroom...when my feet touched another body. I instantly shot back on to the bed. I looked down and was stunned. On the ground, wrapped in covers and a pillow, was Nick.   What was he doing in here? I just shook my head, I'll find out tomorrow. I went to the other side of the bed and hopped down from it.  


Nick P.O.V.

Earlier that Night  

I leaned on Sophie's doorway as she moaned in pain. The girl had been moaning and crying for the past hour. Sure, I was annoyed at first, but when I just came back up after getting some water...I actually felt bad. Her cries made me want to help her..but how? An idea hit me. I smiled to myself and ran back to my room, grabbed my pillow and blankets then made my way back to Sophie's room. I set the blankets up on the ground next to her bed for me to sleep on. If I couldn't get her out of her nightmares, I just want her to know that someone outside her head thinking of her.   Before I laid down, I looked at her one last time. Her hair stuck to her tear-strained cheeks. It was odd seeing such a beautiful face looking so broken. I moved her hair out of her face then layed down on my make-shift bed.

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