Chapter Four

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Sylis POV

"Do something Sylis!" The Alpha Eric barked, his words clear in wanting me to help the boy.

"The least I could do Alpha Eric, is snap his neck putting him out of his misery." I said watching as the light slowly drained from the boys eyes.

"No. Save him damn it!" He barked as Luna Jackie sobbed into his chest, his arms keeping her there.

"Alpha I don't mean this to be harsh but this matter doesn't concern you. He's not you're mate and or ex-mate." I said flatly, glancing back at him.

I returned my gaze back to Atticus, watching as his chest started slowly rising. The least I could do at this moment was make him more comfortable.

I grabbed the blue blanket that was soaked crimson that pulled at his hips, slowly I brought it up and covered his dirty chest.

"Jackie its alright, shhh. I'm here baby." The Alpha cooed clutching the Luna tighter and placing a hand on the back of her head, keeping her face in the crook of his neck.

She fought to look at the boy as he started to grip the ground once again but the alphas from hand stopped her.

"H-hes so young! Eric do something!Please!" The Luna cried hitting the Alphas chest.

"Its fine Luna, he doesn't have to witness the horrors of this world anymore. He can be at peace." I said skimming the pad of my thumb across the boys cheek.

"He's you're mate! What's wrong with you?!" She cried the meaning of her words making me sigh.

"He's my ex-mate. Though it may not seem like it, I'm protecting him. Its better this way." I said tilting my head as I watched his grip on the bloody blades of grass loosen.

"This isn't how you protect someone, Sylis! You make sure they don't get hurt,you keep them safe and unharmed!" The Alpha snapped.

"It is if the person you're protecting them from is you." I said wiping a tear that slivered down the boys cheek away.

"Sylis stop this! Thats nonsense how are you dangerous to you're mate?!" She cried.

"Let's just say there's more than one beast locked away inside me." I said as the boys breathing started to come in gasps.

Alpha Eric cooed her, desperately trying to calm her down. In one long sigh the boy stopped breathing, his chest no longer rising, and the light in his eyes vanished.

"He's gone." I stated pulling closing the boys eyes, that would now stay shut forever.

A strangled sobb ripped though the air as the Luna cried. Her knees buckled from beneath her, Alpha Erics arms the only thing keeping her up. He slowly descended to the ground pulling his weaping mate into his arms.

"Sylis I'm ashamed to call you my head warrior. Someone thats ment to protect. I never thought you could go this low." The Alpha clipped.

"I never wanted the spot as head warrior. My blood line is Alpha blood, just because my pack was obliterated by one of there own, by there Alpha. It doesn't mean that when I joined you're pack that it vanished, the blood still surges through me as I struggle to keep thing inside that caused my own packs death at bay. When you see me in battle, only a tenth of the monster is let out and I struggle to put it away when the job is done. I would rather be the alpha instead of a warrior but I'll take what I've been dealt." I said looking back at them.

"You've only focused on yourself Sylis. You didn't focus on what would happen to the boy."

"How can you say that when I just told you I was protecting him? I knew he would die, I knew it the moment I met him. He was much in a state like this. If I mover him he would've died in minutes so I rejected him and left him where he was." I stated, picking up the boys covered body.

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