1 - Chloe Hunt

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I never thought like as an IMF agent would be- fun. I thought it would be all-trouble but it isn't. I'm driving a motorcycle through a busy city at night, and Hunley just contacted me from the wireless phone in my helmet. I answer it.


     "Miss Hunt, where are you?"

     "I'm in some city right now, at a stop light."

     "Hmm... Oh I see. You're in Pittsburg."

     "Oh... Sorry. I haven't looked at a map in a few weeks."

     "It shows. Be careful. Agent Jacob Brandt should be close to you with Matilda."
      I drive through the busy streets once the stop light changes to green. I get a phone call from Matilda.

     "Hey, Matilda!"

     "Hey Chloe! Dad wanted to warn you about what you're about to face."

     "Really? Like what?"
      I hear Jake cut in.

     "Like the bombs that are about to strike. They're being dropped by people wearing black. Don't let them toss those bombs."

     "Okay. Where are they?"
      "On rooftops. I'm sharing what I can see in your helmet."

     I see the people on the roofs. They're pulling out their bombs from roofs I'm almost passing by. I pull out my gun, knowing I have to kill them. But Dad's on one roof, breaking one of the bomber's necks. He pulls out a gun, shooting at the other bombers. After all of the bombers were killed, Dad smirked.


     "Mission complete."

     "Why? What happened?"
      "Dad killed the bombers."
      I hear William butt in.

     "Of course he would. What else would Hunt do?"

     After the mission, Dad and I returned to our temporary apartment. Dad drove my motorcycle home after the mission, since I had no idea where we would go. He crashes on the couch sofa, moaning.


     I lie on my bed in the corner of the small house.


     He takes in a deep breath with his eyes closed.

     "Least it's over, right?"

     Dad nods.

     "It could be worse."
      He turns on the TV to hear a new report.

     "Breaking news- the city of Pittsburg was bombed."
      Dad widens his eyes. I sit beside him. I can't believe what happened.

     "What? I thought we stopped it!"
      "Me too. I killed those bombers, I know I did."

     The news report continues.

     "Apparently, after a deadly force ended- this group claimed to go on revenge. This terrorist group's leader called out a group called the IMF."

     I turn to him.

     "Are they gonna kill us?"
      "No. They want to. But that's not gonna happen.

Mission: Impossible Lethal Operation [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now