3 - Ethan Hunt

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I kill one last person. I just look around. No one else is here.

     "C'mon, Ethan." Ilsa says.

     We exit the restaurant, but I see Chloe taken away by a group of men.

     "HEY!" I shout.

     Ilsa and I run to them. But before we can save Chloe, she wakes up, attacking the men by herself. She kicks two of the men who hold her legs in the throat. They stumble back, and fall. The other three, who carried her, try fighting back. Chloe shoots them all with her gun.

     "I am going to find that little SOB." She sighs.

     "Chloe, what happened?" I ask.

     "A guy called me a bastard, nothing new."
      "Chloe." Isla says.

     "Okay... He was a man that said I was born out of wedlock. He knew about my mom."
      I shake my head. Owen? He's alive?

     "Owen?" I ask.

     "That's his name?" Chloe questions.

     "Owen Davian." Ilsa ends.

     I'm surprised Ilsa knows him.

     "You know him?" I ask.

     "He donated a lot of weapons to the Syndicate. He was the only one that survived when the Syndicate members were killed."

     "So the guy that we took away in a box full is gas is- dead?" Chloe questioned.

     "Yes. He's been dead for a month now. He was executed."

     "Guys?" William calls.

     We look, seeing William, Jake, Benji, and Matilda come to us in a limo. All of them exit the limo from the back.

     "How did you find us?" Chloe asks.

     "Tracking devices." Jake answers.

     "Ah..." I say.

     "We have a new mission." Benji informs.

     "Does it involve Owen?" Chloe asks.

     "Um... If you get in the car we can talk about it..."

     As the limo driver drives, we all sit in the back, talking about Owen Davian.

     "Owen is extremely dangerous." I tell Chloe.

     "Yeah. I know that, but why would he come back for us?" She questions.

     "Good question."

     "So, where are we going now?" Matilda asks.

     "We're on the way to London, England. That's where Owen Davian's hide out is." Benji answers.

     "Close to where the Syndicate was..." Ilsa says.

     As we're waiting in the airport for our flight, I see Chloe and Jake talking as they look through a window. Hard to believe my baby girl has a guy's heart already. I listen to their conversation as I look around.

     "So, you were a natural brunette all along?" Jake asks.

     "Yeah. I wanted to be a blonde." Chloe admits.

     "I like you the way you are, though. Besides, I have a thing for brunettes."

     Both of them laugh. To be honest, I wasn't a fan of Chloe's blonde and blue hair either. She looks so much better as a brunette.

     "So, I heard woman on the phone. Who was that?" She asks.

     Jake looks nervous to answer.

     "Uh- she's actually my new girlfriend." He stutters.

     Chloe raises an eyebrow and smiles.

     "What's wrong?" Chloe asks.

     Jake shakes his head.

     "Nothing. I just thought you would be resentful, since we broke up last week." He answers.

     "C'mon, Jake. Why would I be resentful?"

     I would listen to more, but Benji and Brandt sit beside me, reading magazines.

     "Can't stop looking at Chloe?" Brandt asks.

     "Yeah..." I answer.

     "Don't worry. I can't stop watching Matilda either." Benji answers.

     I'm worried about Chloe. At only 14 years old, so much as happened to her. She had her first boyfriend at 13, but he broke her heart. I'm still surprised Jake and Chloe are still friends.

     When we enter the plane, we see men wearing black outfits. There's at least 10 of them on the plane. Each of them are holding a gun in their hands.

     "Get down." One of them commands.

     All of us get down on our knees, placing hands behind our heads.

     "Whoa. What's going on here?" Benji asks.

     "Benji you better shut up." Brandt growls.

     I can feel someone touching the back of my neck. I turn my head, and I see Owen.

     "Hey, gang." He greets. "Nice to see you, Ethan- with your daughter and her friends. And your new girlfriend."

     "We aren't dating." Ilsa corrects.

     Owen chuckles.

     "Well, excuse me." He says.

     Owen walks by us, signaling his men to lower their weapons. He stands in front of them.

     "We came here to take you to London. If we're meeting up, we're doing it on my terms." He says. "So sit down, relax, and enjoy the show."
      "I can't enjoy the show with someone like you in the plane with us." Chloe replies.

     "Chloe, shush!" Matilda hisses.

     Owen pulls Chloe up from the ground by her shirt.

     "Owen, leave her alone!" I shout.

     He wraps an arm around Chloe, smelling her hair.

     "Good thing she's clean." He says. "Because she's coming with me. Men. Hold them down. I have some business to talk about with this one."

     I can't let him take Chloe. He could kill her. As the men approach us, and while Owen turns his back with Chloe, I can see a gun in his pocket. I was right.

     "Take care of the guards." I whisper.

     Brandt nods. I dart from the ground, while the others attack the guards. I kick Owen down in the back. He falls, while I pull Chloe up. Chloe pulls out her gun, pointing it at Owen.

     "Shoot me! I dare you!" Chloe shouts.

     Owen just lies on the ground. He faces us with a smirk.

     "CHLOE!" Brandt yells, later kicking a guard in his private area.

     "A little help here!" Matilda exclaims, getting in a chokehold.

     "I'll handle Owen, you help the others!" I command.

     "Got it!" Chloe nods.

     She follows my command. Owen gets up, preparing himself four our fight. I give him the first punch, but he blocks. He kicks me in the stomach, causing me to fall on the ground. He almost stomps on my chest, but I roll to the side. I get up, kicking him in the jaw. He stumbles back into the bathroom of the plane. He opens the door, locking himself in. I try breaking in.

     "Don't be a coward!" I shout.

     I kick the door open, but I see the bottom of the bathroom door completely made of glass. Owen escaped. I hear gunshots being fired.

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