10 - Ethan Hunt

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This isn't happening. This isn't happening. This can't be happening. I can hear Chloe grunting, and pounding her fists on the glass. She pounds it so hard I can see the side of her fist on it. But her hand flattens, and slides on the glass. She died. She drowned. I can't believe it. First Julia, and now Chloe. I'm left crying.

     "Such a shame Chloe had to die." Owen laughs. "Why did you bring her in this, Ethan?"

     The men behind Jake and I lower their guns, walking away. But we hear gunshots. The two fall to the ground, dead. The tank has two bullets bounce off of the glass. Owen points his gun out.

     "Who are you?" He shouts.

     Brandt attacks Owen from behind, while Ilsa releases me with Benji. When Ilsa uncovers my mouth, she kisses me. I'm surprised she did that. I hold her close, even though I'm shocked. After the kiss, she sits in my lap, and leans her head against mine.

     "I love you." She whispers.

     "I love you, too." I say.

     "Um... Should you really do this right now?" Benji asks.

     "CHLOE!" Jake shouts.

     Jake tries using his chair to break the tank, but it's not working. He's close to tears. Matilda is there, also, using an axe she found. Even that doesn't work. After she used it at least 4 times, Matilda leans against the glass, crying.

     "Chloe... I'm so sorry." She sobs.

     "Me too." Jake says.

     He looks down, like he's resentful. Jake looks up, as a tear rolls down his cheek.

     "I'm such a jackass." He sobs.

     I dart out of my chair to help Brandt attack Owen. Owen cornered Brandt into a wall, with a cut over his eyebrow. Owen almost kills Brandt with his gun, but Ilsa shoots Owen dead with her gun. I turn to Ilsa, who just places her gun in a red purse. She looks back to me.

     "It had to be done." She says.

     I can hear something cracking. All of us look around.

     "What is that?" Benji asks.

     Matilda stares at the tank wide-eyed.

     "It's the tank." She says.

     The tank breaks completely from all sides. Water rushes everywhere. Chloe lies on the floor, with her skin white as snow. I rush to her with the others.

     "Chloe!" I exclaim.

     I lie her in my lap, while everyone else stands around us. Ilsa lays a hand on my shoulder with Benji. Chloe doesn't look good. I'm hoping she's alright. I check her pulse on her neck. I have nothing.

     "No! No! Don't die! Don't die!" I exclaim.

     I lay her straight on the ground, performing CPR.

     "Is she going to live?" Benji asks.

     "I don't know." Brandt answers.

     After I gave her a 3rd mouth-to-mouth, she coughs out black water, and leans forward. I hug her close.

     "Chloe! Thank God!" I exclaim.

     She's still trying to catch her breath. I pat her on the back.

     "You alright? You sound like you're dying." Brandt ask.

     "Because I think I did." Chloe answers.

     I chuckle, placing a hand through the thick brown hair she obviously got from Julia.

     "You piece of trash." Chloe growls.

     She gets up, punching the same girl with Jake in the jaw. Chloe attacks her, slamming her head on the ground, till Jake pulls her off.

     "Hey! Chill out!" Jake commands.

     Chloe shoves Jake off of her.

     "Get away from me! I don't want to talk to you!" Chloe shouts.

     I'm confused with why Chloe's acting like this. She comes to me.

     "Dad. I want to go home." She says.

     I nod.

     "Okay. We will." I assure.

     "Oh no! You won't go anywhere!" The girl on the ground shouts.

     Chloe stomps toward her, placing her foot against her neck. Chloe gnashes her teeth like a mad dog.

     "I hope I never see you in my life ever again! Because if you stay here, you'll keep on getting cuts and bruises from me!" Chloe shouts.

     She stomps on her neck at least 3 times, later walking away. Jake stares at her amazed. I'm pretty shocked, too- with everyone else. I've never seen Chloe this mad before.

     "Chloe! What is wrong with you?" Jake asks.

     "Jake, stop!" Brandt shouts.

     "What's wrong with you? You've been keeping something from me that you never told me before!" Chloe asks.

     "Chloe, I've only known you for 6 months."

     "But you could've told me! I haven't seen my mom since I was 9 years old, Jake! And now I just found out that she's your step-mother!"

     "She's not my step-mother. Dad hasn't even married her yet. But, I'm sorry, okay? I know I screwed up, but I can fix that. Please. I want another chance with you."

     Chloe tilts her head to the side and squints. She shakes her head.

     "No. I can't do it." She says.

     Jake pulls her in, kissing her. After the kiss, Jake places his thumb under her eye.

     "Please? I need it." He says.

     Chloe laughs, leaning her forehead close to his.

     "Okay. I surrender." She giggles.

Mission: Impossible Lethal Operation [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now