9 - Chloe Hunt

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     I wake up with my hands and feet tied to a chair. I feel so tired and out of breath. A ceiling light is lit over me in the darkest room. A gun is pointed by the side of my head.

"Don't try escaping."

It's Owen. I close my eyes, tilt my head, and sigh.

"What do you want?"

"Chloe. I have a deal for you to make."

"What kind of deal?"

"A lethal deal."

"This isn't Deal or No Deal! Just tell me!"

"Okay. But, you have to choose one."

Two lights turn on, revealing the bodies of two strangers in the same position as I am. Except, they have black baggies on their heads, and they each have a man behind them. The two men pull the baggies off of the strangers. It's Jake and Dad. It makes me wonder where the others are.

"Jake! Dad!"

Guns are pointed behind their heads. I can only hear them breathing, since duct tape covers their mouths. Jake leans his head against the back of the chair, with his eyes closed. Dad is just squirming, and fighting to be free.

"Choose one."

"Where are the others?

Jake looks at me horrified, while Dad is still trying to get out. I can hear Dad grunting.

"Is it your boyfriend, or your daddy?"

I don't know what to do. I hate Jake, but I don't hate him enough to kill him- and I love Dad. I look back at them, later looking down.

"Kill me."

Jake raises his eyebrows. Dad shakes his head, getting misty eyes. He's sobbing. I'm going to end up like Mom. The mom that left me for William and Jake. I know my mom didn't die, but this time- I'm the one that's going to die. Owen cocks a gun behind my head.

"Are you sure?"

I nod. Dad screams, squirming out of his chair.

"Yeah. But maybe you should think twice."


"Because I hold something you don't."

"Like what?"

"The key.-"

"What key?"

"The one that leads to the death of the IMF."

He shoots me in the shoulder. I lean forward, screaming.

"Don't screw with me!"

Owen grabs me by the throat. Dad yells.

"Chloe... Be careful with what you do."

"I am. Just kill me if you don't think I hold the key to what you want."

Dad shakes his head, crying. I close my eyes, wailing.

"No. Actually, I have a better idea."

Owen drags me and my chair into the middle of a silver circle on the floor. But a glass tank surrounds me from the bottom. And the top of the tank is a high pressured shower. Owen watches from outside with the others. Black water comes out of the tank. I try squirming out, but it isn't working. This can't happen to me. I can't drown here. I just can't.

"C'mon... Please..."

One of my hands squirm out of the tight bind holding my wrist down to the chair. I release myself from the binds, but now the water is up to my chest. I strike the glass with the chair again and again and again, but I can't break free. Once the water gets close to my mouth, I get to the top. I look at Dad with misty eyes. I'm going to die. He knows it, Jake knows it, and I do. He just shakes his head as tears roll down his cheeks. I lean my head against the roof.

"I love you."

I close my eyes, taking in a deep breath, before the water completely fills up the tank.

Mission: Impossible Lethal Operation [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now