2 - Chloe Hunt

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     Dad and I are driving around Pittsburg for news on the bombing, after hearing the report last night. I'm waiting for him to get out of the bathroom of a diner. As I'm waiting, I'm calling William, Jake's dad. William is a pretty nice guy. He treats me like Dad does. I never told Dad about the chemistry I had with Jake and his family, even though he probably already knows.


A girl answers the phone. I'm not sure what to do.

"Um... I'm sorry. Is Jake- I mean- Jacob Brandt around?"

"No. But there's a William Brandt. Who are you?"

"I'm Chloe Hunt."


She chuckles. I later hear William on the phone.


"Hey William."

"Chloe! What's going on?"

"A lot. Did you hear about that bombing last night in Pittsburg?"

"Yeah I did! Hunley and I are trying to find out about it."

"William, who was the girl on the phone?"

"What girl?"

"Uh- never mind. I just need to know if you're in Pittsburg."

"No I'm not. Benji just got news that someone is coming to the Andy Warhol Bridge."

"Okay. I'll try and make it there to see what it is."

I hang up. Later seeing a familiar face.

"Hello, Chloe Hunt."

It's Ilsa.

"Ilsa? What are you doing here?"

I'm confused why she's here. I thought she would never come back.

"I came to meet you and your father, Ethan."

Dad comes out of the bathroom. He raises his eyebrows, seeing her.


"Hi, Ethan."

Dad wraps an around her. I roll my eyes. I can see where this is going. Following this, I see the windows of the restaurant being shot out. I get under the dining table, shooting back at the crooks. I only kill one of the shooters.

"Darn it! I'm still a bad shot!"

Dad kills one of them with his gun. He looks back at me.

"Chloe! Get out of here! Now!"

"But what about you?"

"Just go!"

I don't want to leave him stuck with this mess. But, he's my dad, and I have to do what he says. I crawl through the madness, until I reach the back door. I quickly stand up, pulling out my gun, and darting out of the building. I'm in the back. It's a dead end with some trash cans. It smells like a dumpster.

"So... You're Chloe Hunt?"

It's a man dressed in a black suit and tie. I point my gun at him. He laughs while I stare at him soberly. He may be a few feet away from me, and without a gun, but I'm worried he may kill me.

"Who are you?"

"You don't remember?"

"I never met you."

"Hmm... Maybe this should give you some clarity..."

He tosses shoes on the ground. I don't know what he's talking about. I just tilt my head and squint.

"I still don't know what you're talking about."

"I was ran over by a truck. Supposedly, anyway... Your dad thought I was dead. But I faked my death so that I could come back to him."

"You're not hurting my dad."

"Said the girl who was left at an adoption center by her own daddy."

I shoot him in the arm. He just giggles.

"Is that pay back for what I did to your mom?"

He's been around Mom, too? I'm starting to wonder if this guy is a stalker.

"What are you talking about?"

"I had your parents captured at one point. They had you out of wedlock."

"That's not true."

"You're technically a bastard, Chloe. You should just be called Chloe instead of Chloe Hunt."

I almost shoot him again, but someone shoots me with something. I pass out.

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