7 - Jacob Brandt

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     We hid in an abandoned hotel with some nice stuff. No kidding. I'm just sitting around with the guys and Ilsa talking, while Matilda is trying to help Chloe out with her injuries.

"So, what was it like being held captive by Owen?" I ask Hunley and Luther.

Luther tosses a cigarette out of his mouth and into a trash can beside him.

"First off, you don't want to know." Luther answers.


"Shut up." Hunley commands. "First off, you're just 16. You don't know anything yet about the IMF."

"You don't know either. Hell, Benji and Ethan are pretty much the masters in this group. And you know what? I'm out of here."

I've been criticized a lot so far. I've had enough of this. I get up from the floor, looking for Chloe. I know Matilda won't talk to me, since she hates me for breaking up with Chloe. I go to the next room. Before I open the door, Matilda opens it, walking by me.

"Excuse me, Jacob." She says.

I pass by her, and I see Chloe putting on a t-shirt with her back turned. She turns to me.

"Hey, Jake." Chloe greets.


"Sorry. What's going on?"

Chloe crosses her arms and leans against the wall, while I sit on the bed beside her.

"I just wanted to talk to you. Right now, I'm not really a people person." I say.


She sits beside me.

"Tell me, what's been happening with you?" Chloe asks.

"Not much. I just feel bad."

"Jake. You aren't a bad person. You just have a bad attitude that needs to be fixed."

I look at her, while she just wraps an around my shoulder.

"We may not be boyfriend and girlfriend anymore, but I'm going to try and be the best as your coworker and friend." She says.

I lean forward to kiss her, but she gets up. Somehow, I forgot we broke up.

"Chloe, what was that about?" I ask.

"I'm not kissing you again! And I'm not going to be thrown in some stupid love triangle!"

I hear a knock at the door.

"I'll get it." Chloe says.

"No. I got it."

I get up and open the door. It's my girlfriend, Katy.

"Katy!" I exclaim.


I kiss her, and hug her. Afterwards, she leans her head on my shoulder.

"Hi!" She waves at Chloe.

Chloe just awkwardly waves.

"You know... I got to go..." Chloe says.

"No, don't go anywhere!" Katy exclaims.

"Um... Chloe, we're going to the other room. Want to join us?"

"Yeah... Um. Why not?"

"Before we do. I actually have something to tell you."

Mission: Impossible Lethal Operation [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now