Chapter 4 - Apology not accepted

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*Tap, Tap, Tap*

I sit up, groggy. I swear I heard something on my window I thought. I wait quietly for a minute or so not hearing anything before sighing, then lying back down and going to sleep.

A few minutes later I hear another tapping noise that has yet again awoken me. I crawl out of bed and walk over to the window. I see a faint outline of someone under my window. I push the window up.

"HEY!" I shout out of the window. The person that was there was obviously didn't know that I was already standing there because he let go of the rock he was in the action of shooting and it flew up and hit me on my lip. I felt this horrible stinging pain all around my mouth and quickly ran away from the window and into my bathroom. I dab at my mouth with a cotton ball, my mouth eventually stops bleeding.

I heard a few curse words from outside and then I saw that the tree outside my window was moving. This person was climbing up the tree to get into my room! What should I do, I thought to myself. As I was moving around the room, looking for an object I could throw at this person, I didnt realise that the shaking of the tree had stopped and before I knew it a strong muscled arm was on my waist and another hand was pressed tightly against my mouth, trapping me against a solid, warm body. I started to kick, scratch and punch this guy. Anything to get away from them.

"Shhhh, Soph stop its just me" He coo's to me. I stiffen and Sam, realising I'm going to stop fighting, lets go of me.

"Sam, what are you doing here? I told you I was done with you".

"Yeah Soph, well friendship goes both ways and I'm not about to let you slip out of my life". I almost gave in to his sweet words but I had to keep up my cold front. I couldnt have him in my life anymore. It wasn't good for me.

"Sam please jus-" I didnt finish because Sam was already kissing me. His warm, soft lips on mine. I give in for a few minutes before I realise what I'm doing and push him back. He was startled by my actions so he stumbled back a few steps. He looked at me briefly before turning around and I swear his eyes were a golden colour instead of his peircing blue eyes.

Sam turns back around looking at me for a moment before his eyes fall to the floor.

"Im so sorry, I cant explain how sorry I am for what I have done to you this past week and not telling you anything". He says regretfully

A tear slips from his eye. I brush it away and step toward but before I know it, hes out of the window, climbing down the tree and running into the forrest.

What was that all about? I thought absentmindly as I walked over to my window and shut it before climbing into bed. I couldnt stop thinking about the kiss. How amazing and right his lips felt on mine. I should NOT be thinking these things about my bestfriend, I mean my ex-bestfriend I thought quickly. "Ugh!" I yelled and then turned over and went to sleep thinking over and over about the kiss. Who was I trying to convince here?

- Hey Guys! -

This is just a filler chapter, quiet important for the next couple of chapters. Ive been uploading quiet frequently havent i?! Thanks for reading! :)





LivCameronn 🌸

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