(Story Outline)
Sophie was only young when her father mentally abused her. The day her mum was finally able to build up courage, he was demanded to leave and never return, and Sophie's life had seemed better since. Now seventeen, she is best friends with a guy called Sam. He goes missing, and on his return it is clear that he has changed from the boy she once knew. Protective and overly possessive, Sophie wonders what happened on his holiday away. It's a push and pull relationship, and Sophie is beginning to crack with his mood changes. But this Sam is different. He's meaner, and hotter. Life isn't always easy, and sometimes you have to make do with what you have.
Spoiler: This novel is not about an abusive Father, its about how through that experience Sophie was able to fall in love with the boy next door. It is also a paranormal werewolf romance novel.
[Thank you for reading the start of my story! It's my first ever story, so I really hope you enjoy it and continue to read. xo]
"SAM!" I screeched down my hallway, panicked. He appeared out of my bathroom door with just a white towel around his waist, his body and hair dripping with water.
"What Sophie?" He said harshly.
"I thought you had left". I told him sadly. His expression softens.
"I just got up to have a shower Soph, don't worry, just go back to bed and I'll be there soon". I nodded and walked back into my room and shut my door.
I crawled into my bed and laid there, thinking to myself for a while. Sam was my rock. Ever since everything happened with my father, he was there to pull me through. He's helped me through so much. I love him and I would do anything for him. If anything were to happen to him.... I don't want to even think about it. I let my thoughts drift to the night I had first met Sam.
I was 8 years old at the time. My Mother (Susie), my Brother (Jake) and I were sitting around the table waiting for my Father (John) to come home from work. He always scares me because he comes home drunk and angry every night. Sunday is the worst day of the week because my Mum is at work and Jake is at soccer training so I'm home alone with My Dad. He always yells at me and Jake and my Mum never does anything to help.
He comes through the door slamming it behind him and as usual, I get the overwhelmingly disgusting smell of cigarettes and alcohol that always accompanies his presence. He scans the table with his eyes stopping when he sees me.
"Good evening dearest family, now Susie where is my dinner?"
My Mother jumps up quickly scanning the kitchen bench to find the roast she had cooked during the day.
"I made you a delicious chicken and vegetable roast." She exclaimed nervously.
"l don't care what you have to say or how you made dinner, I just want to eat so I can go to bed".
My mum nodded hastily and serves us quickly before he complains again or worse he gets violent. When we were all eating our dinner my dad asks me a question.
"How was your day sweetie?"
I nervously reached for my glass of water as he says this but I obviously wasn't concentrating hard enough because I knock the glass over and it spills across the table and pours into my fathers lap.
"THAT'S IT SOPHIE!" He roared furiously.
He grabs me by my hair ripping me from my chair and smashing me against the wall. He keeps banging and banging my head against the wall and I start to loose focus of my surroundings. All I can hear is my Mother screaming and Jake yelling loudly and suddenly I'm released and I slide to the floor because I don't have anymore feeling in my legs. I can see that Liam has thrown a glass at our father but now is terrified and is cowering in the corner of the room. I don't have to look to imagine the murderous look on our Dads face. He grabs Liam by the top of his head and slams him into the ground and starts kicking him in the stomach over and over and Liam keeps crying and screaming. After a while all the energy he has left him and all you hear are small moans and whimpers.
Dad swears loudly and storms out of the room heading towards his bedroom leaving poor Liam on the ground moaning and whimpering. I crawl to his side and hug him and rub his back and eventually he wraps his arms around me as well. We stay like that for what feels like hours but is probably only minutes and we eventually pick ourselves up and walk alone to our separate bedrooms at the end of the house. This was the first time our dad had ever been physically abusive. It was only ever words before then.
I had been crying for over an hour alone in my bedroom when I heard a knocking at the window and I almost screamed until I saw who was at the window. It was Sam, a guy who went to my school. He lived next door to our house. I've never talked to him before because he didn't hang out with anyone that I did.
"Open the window" He mouthed and for some reason I can't explain, my legs carried me to the window and I pushed it up.
"What do you want?" I sobbed.
"I saw you crying and I wanted to come over and see if you were okay?".
I started sobbing so hard my chest was heaving and my legs couldn't support my weight anymore so I slid to the ground. I was suddenly lifted up off the floor and cocooned against a warm chest. I snuggled into his chest and we stayed like that for a long time. When I had eventually stopped crying, he carried me over to my bed, placing me down onto it. He got up to close the window and i snuggled down under my blanket. I heard some rustling and then the bed shifting and a warm body pressed against my back.
"What are you doing?!" I whisper yelled to him.
"I'm holding you, please at least let me do that" He pleaded.
"Fine" I said and drifted off to sleep. That was the first night in 8 years I didn't have nightmares.
-End of flash back-
Just as I was about to fall asleep, I can hear my door open and close and then the bed sink. The covers are lifted and then a warm body is pressed against my back. His arms slip around my waist and I know I'm safe. Safe from harm. Safe from everything. Safe with Sam. He's slept with me every night since that event, without the knowledge of my family he sneaks in through my bedroom window. With him by my side, I can do anything. I know this, because he is mine.
*The next chapter will be about sophie's life currently and her home life. Sam will make an appearance in the next few chapters!
So please:
Thank you for reading!!
LivCameron 🌸

WerewolfSophie was only young when her father mentally abused her. The day her mum was finally able to build up courage, he was demanded to leave and never return, and Sophie's life had seemed better since. Now seventeen, she is best friends with a guy call...