I woke up early the next morning and deciding to be early to school for once, I get up and run to my closet to get changed. I pick out a pair of dark denim jeans, low white converse and a plain white t-shirt with a big grey jumper to wear and chucked all of these on. I walk to the bathroom, wash my face and plait my hair to the side. I also apply some light foundation and mascara. I actually look good today even though I was feeling really down about what happened last night. I was more specifically confused though. I was nervous to see what would happen at school today with Sam, if he showed up.
I walk out of my bedroom and then down the stairs. As I walk into the kitchen I see Jake drinking the orange juice yet again!
"JAKE!!!!" He spits out all the juice all over the fridge and stove.
"Jesus, Sophie. You always do that!".
"Yeah Jake, well you always drink out of the carton when you could just get a bloody glass. When have you ever seen me drink out of the carton?".
"Never" he said, resigned to the fact that I had won the argument.
"Exactly, now clean up this mess you've made" I say strongly then walk out of the kitchen into the lounge room to watch some television.
10 minutes later I walk back into the kitchen to find it spotless. Good job Jake, I thought to myself. I pour myself a bowl of cereal and eat it quickly before grabbing my school bag and walking out the door.
- At school -
As I park my car and get out, I realise that not many people were hanging around the parking lot like usual. In fact it was me and three other random people. That's weird, I thought. As I walked through the main entrance of the school I could distantly hear a lot of loud shouting and giggles.
As I walked around the corner I could see Jakes friends and all these girls surrounding them on the other side of the corridor but when I looked closer I couldn't see Jake anywhere. When a guy moved away, I could see Jake with a girl in front of him pressed to the locker with her legs around his waist and his hand down her skirt. I was devastaed and hurt and I let an unintentional whimper leave my throat. I didn't think it was that loud but it was loud enough for Sam to hear because he stopped and turned in my direction. He met my eyes and for a second he seemed regretful and sad but then his eyes hardened and cut away from mine and he turned back to the girl. Overwhelmed with hurt, I turned and ran away down the corridor, slamming the doors outwards and continue running to my car. Unlocking it, I get inside and drive home.
As I arrive home, I yank my car door open and run towards the house. I jerked the front door open and run upstairs. My brother pokes his head out of the lounge room.
"Sophie what's the matt-". He started to say, but it was too late as I was already running up the stairs to my room.
I smash open my door and run for my bed jumping onto it and begin to sob. I don't understand why he is doing this. Last night he kissed me and said he was sorry. Now he hates me. I just can't believe it. I hate Sam, I hate him so much and I hate everything about him. I kept repeating this in my head until I have fallen asleep.
300 reads! I'm so glad my book had been getting read and has been voted for! Sorry for the late updating, I've had exams but they are finally finished! Aw Sam, he's being so mean but don't worry. Everything will be explained soon!!

WerewolfSophie was only young when her father mentally abused her. The day her mum was finally able to build up courage, he was demanded to leave and never return, and Sophie's life had seemed better since. Now seventeen, she is best friends with a guy call...