Chapter 6 - Wolfy

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When I had woken up later that day it was 8:00 at night. I got up out of bed and walked down stairs. I stood in the hallway looking at the door. I felt like going for a walk in the forest to clear my head so I grabbed my warm, blue jacket and walked out through the front of the house.

As I entered the forest I could hear the owls hooting and a distant howl. I kept walking, watching the dirt soften underneath my sneakers and the swaying trees. As I kept walking I could feel a pair of eyes watching me. I looked around but I couldn't see anything so I just shrugged and kept going. I heard a snap and then a deep growl. I turn slowly and what I saw was not good.

There stood a huge wolf. It had midnight black fur and piercing blue eyes. The wolf was huge, as tall as a horse. There was thick muscle wrapped around his legs and his body. His presence demanded respect and submission. The power was rolling off him in waves and I couldn't help but want to bow down. I managed to stay standing up and look him in the eye. The weird thing was is that he didn't look threatening, just curious. He came up to me so I lifted my hand so he could smell it. He smelt my hand and gave it a quick lick.

"HEY!!" I yelled and playfully smacked him over the head.

He growled and then pushed his big head into my stomach making me fall backwards into the mud.

"Oh, it's on!" I yelled playfully to the wolf.

I grabbed a handful of mud and threw it at him which hit him in the face. He looked so startled I just couldn't help myself and cackled hysterically like a witch. He didn't waste a minute of my distraction and attacked me. He pushed me down on the grass and laid down next to me. I cuddled into his warm fur and ran my fingers through it. He rumbled low in his throat and I'm pretty sure it was because he likes it, well I hope so. Something makes me think that I can tell this wolf anything. Trust him with my life. I don't have many friends at the moment so I decided to tell him about my situation with Sam. Every now and then when I got particularly hateful towards Sam or really sad he would whimper. I didn't understand why but maybe it was because he felt sorry for Sam or me being sad. I didn't want to think that it was because he felt sorry for Sam. I don't want anyone feeling sorry for Sam because he didn't deserve it.

I looked around the forest and realised it had gotten really dark. I got up off the ground and wiped the dirt off my pants and coat. The wolf got up as well and joined me as I walked back towards my house. I stopped walking as I got close to my house. I turned towards the wolf and gave him a hug and a pat.

"You know what? Im gonna call you wolfy" I said happily. He growled at that and bared his teeth. I laughed at him and ran to my house. When I reached the door, I turned back around and looked to see if wolfy was still there. He was. He was staring intently at me. I waved to him with a smile and walked though the door, closing it softly behind me.


Another upload for tonight! I'm on a roll! I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I should have another upload by tomorrow! How cute is wolfy? Aw!!





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