Chapter 2 - Where are you Sam?

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Author note: Sophie is played by Blake Lively


I arrived to school 30 minutes late, no thanks to Sam. I raced from my car, running into the my school locker bay almost tripping over the loose tile that seems to get me every time. I grab my books from my locker and head to the front office to get myself a late pass.

"Sophie, late are again we" The front receptionist says to me, voice dripping with malice. It's a well known fact that she dosent like me so I'm used to her mean nature towards me.

"Thanks Rosaline, always a pleasure" I say to her and race off towards my maths class. I knew that I would be copping it from my maths teacher as he was well known around the school to be, well, not nice at all to be put nicely.

-After School-

Sam still hasent replied or called to my numerous texts and calls. I'm seriously worried. And angry. Mostly worried though. He always answers or if he doesn't, he calls back soon after. I need to see him. I'm going to his house.

After my detention, thanks to my lateness this class this morning, came out of the school building to see that the school car park was deserted. The only car there was mine. I walked across the car park, hopped in the car and sped of to Sams house.

As I arrived at Sams house ten minutes later, I saw no cars in the driveway and no lights on in the house. That's weird I thought to myself. I got out of the car and walked up the stairs onto the front porch and knocked on the front door. I heard no movement in the house so I knocked again. And again. And again. Okay this is getting ridiculous.


Still no answer. I walked all the way around to the back door. I knocked on that door and still no answer. Okay, obviously they're not home. At least I tried. I got into my car and drove home.

When I arrived home, I got out of my car and walked into my house.

"Hey Jake" I said as I walked past the lounge.

"Hey gurrl" he shouted back as I walked up the stairs. He's so feminine sometimes. I love teasing him about it, especially since he's such a player with the ladies.

I had a quick shower, popped into the kitchen to make some toast and then brought it back upstairs to eat. I checked my facebook, answered a few messages then hopped into bed to go to sleep. Just as I was dozing off, a loud beep sounded from my bedside table. I saw that I had a new message. It was from Sam! Thank god he replied, I was beginning to think something really bad had happened to him.

"I'm not home. I'm not picking you up. Leave me alone, because I never want to see you again".

What the hell? Was this even Sam? I tried to call him but it went straight to voicemail. What's going on with him? I turned off my phone, layed back in bed and tried to get some sleep. All I could think about was Sam and his message.

- Hey guys! -

Two uploads in one night! Hopefully that makes up for the crappy updating! DONT WORRIE ABOUT SAM! He will either be in the next chapter or the one after! Suspense......





LivCameronn 🌸

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