Chapter 10 - Lies and explanation

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When we had arrived at home, Sam had only given me a brief, tight hug before he had walked home. He hadn't talked to me the whole time but I think in this instance, actions spoke louder than words.

- Later that night -

I hadn't seen Wolfy for a very long time, with my dad and all, so at eight o'clock on the dot I was there sitting underneath our tree waiting for him. An hour had passed and their was still no sign of him. Just as I was about to get up and walk back home, there was a rustling in the bushes and Wolfy appeared. I ran towards him and I enveloped him into a warm hug.

"I'm so sorry I haven't been coming lately, my dad passed away and I just didn't have the time to see you". After I had finished talking, he licked my cheek and I knew I was forgiven.

I spend quite a few hours explaining about the situation with my dad, how my week had been and about Sam.

When we had finished talking he nudged me softly and then walked off into the bushes. I took that as a sign that he was leaving, so I stood up to walk back home when I heard a whimper from the bushes and his huge Wolfy head poke out. Understanding that he wanted me to stay, I sat back down and waited.

After about ten minutes there was a rustling and then the last person I ever expected, stepped out. Sam stood there sheepishly smiling at me. He looked nervous. What I didn't understand was why he was here and where was Wolfy.

"Sam, what are you doing here? How did you find me?" I asked impatiently.

"I need to tell you something Soph," he says with a strong voice.

"Okay, what is it?" I ask impatiently.

"I'm Wolfy" he says slowly, waiting for my reaction.

"What?" I ask incredulously.

"I'm Wolfy" he says annunciating each word.

"How do you know about Wolfy? What's you're deal Sam?" I ask him angrily.

"I know it's a shock and you might not believe me but I'm a werewolf Soph. The week I disappeared was when I had my first transformation."

"Prove it". I state.

"You want me to shift in front of you?" He asks incredulously.


"Okay Soph, I will. My only condition is that you don't run. Please. Can you do that for me?" I nod hastily. He's lying. I have nothing to worry about. He says he's a werewolf? What an absolute joke. As if he expects me to believe him. HA.

"Turn around" he demands.


"Because I have to take off my clothes or they'll shred. Then I'll have to go home naked" he says fatter of factly.

"Fine" I say then turn around. I hear about of shuffling and then the sound of clothes hitting the ground. I then hear a sort of cracking sound then nothing.

"Sam are you done yet?" I ask. I don't hear anything back.

"Sam?" I say as I turn around. Instead of Sam standing there, Wolfy is there looking expectantly at me.

"Hey Wolfy, have you seen a guy around my age? You would have seen him" I ask Wolfy sweetly. He growls softly and walks towards me. As he walks his body starts shifting. After a few seconds, Sam is standing before me where Wolfy once was. He has his t-shirt covering his man junk. That's it. I have completely lost my god damn mind. Sam is a werewolf. Wolfy and Sam are the same person. Sam is a WEREWOLF! I can't handle this.

"Sam I am freaking out. I can't handle this. Why would you keep something like this from me! Why?!" I ask almost in tears.

"I didn't know about it until I left that week. I thought I was going on a holiday. I swear to you Soph, I didn't know". He says to me remorse fully.

"Sam, I can't... I just can't" I manage to slip out and then turn to run off. I had only taken a few steps before I felt a warm arm on my hand.

"Please Sam, just let me g-", I don't finish because Sam has already turned me around and has smashed his lips onto mine. His lips are soft and insistent on mine. I gasp and he takes that opportunity to slip his tongue into my mouth. Before I could respond he has pulled away and has run off deep into the forest, leaving me there shell shocked as to what had just happened. What the hell?!

After Sam had kissed me. I had stared into the trees where he had disappeared for about ten minutes and after realising he wasn't coming back turned around and walked home and went to bed, preparing my self for what was to come.

- Hey guys! -

Finally uploaded, sorry about that! I wasn't quiet sure about what to write and how to write this chapter. I hope you guys like and don't forget to vote and comment!! Feed back is always good!





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