Sam charged at Dan, his fist raised and aimed towards his brother Deans face. At the last moment Dean ducked out of the way grabbing Sam's arms from behind. Sam managed to get one of his arms free and elbow Dean in the face making him release him. Sam suddenly had Dean on the ground punching ruthlessly into his face over and over until Dean had stopped moving. Suddenly springing into action, I ran over to Sam tugging at his back in attempts to pull him off his bloody and bruised brother.
"Sam please get off Dean ! Let him explain, he hasn't done anything wrong."
"Hasn't done anything wrong? HASENT DONE ANYTHING WRONG! He killed my poor Emma, how could you say that?" Sam said to me still holding Dean to the ground which was pointless as Dean was still unconscious.
"Please Sam, get off Dean. Give him a chance to recover and explain to you, I swear you will want to hear what he has to say", I said pleadingly to Sam.
Sam seemed to look down at Dean for a long time before looking back at me and then climbing of the unconscious body of his twin brother. He took one look at me, brushed off his jeans and then stalked back into the castle without another word to me or any other person.
Springing into action, I ran back over to Dean turning him over so that I could see the extent of the damage cause by Sam. Hi face was bloody and bruised, his eye puffed and swollen shut and he had a huge lump that covered most of his cheek. He was barely recognisable, he truly was a horrific site.
"Can someone please help me to move him to the medical room" I said to the werewolves surrounding me. They all looked around at each other then finally one nodded his head and a few werewolves came over to me to help move him into the medical room. Picking him up, they carried him back into the castle, up to the second floor and down the corridor the room that a nurse had prepared for him, the nurse had obviously been notified by Sam of his arrival. I made a note to thank him for that after I had finished yelling my guts out at him.
They placed him onto the bed and left the room without another word, neither of them looking at me as they did so. I muttered a soft thank you to them but they didn't show any signs that they had heard me or that they cared. I looked over at Dean and cursed. What was I going to do with Dean and how was I going to deal with Sam?
Hello everybody ! It has certainly been awhile ! I have just finished this chapter and am looking forward to writing the next one very soon. I'm so so sorry that I have been absent for such a long amount of time but I promise I will be updating regularly until I have finished the book ! I will be taking time out to edit the book while I am going so bear with me ! I hope you enjoyed the recap and the next chapter will be a very long one that all should enjoy ! Also please take a second of your time to press the star button (vote) it would make me truly happy and may inspire me to update/write my chapters more regularly as I know that I have readers that like and enjoy my story ! I would be truly appreciative !
🌸 Liv 🌸

WerewolfSophie was only young when her father mentally abused her. The day her mum was finally able to build up courage, he was demanded to leave and never return, and Sophie's life had seemed better since. Now seventeen, she is best friends with a guy call...