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There comes a point when you look back at all the people who were once in your life and thank them for the memories.

I had that kind of group once.

We used to be stuck like glue to each other. Once.

But then Life did what Life does best, and wreaked havoc on us all. It revealed the cracks and scars we were all so desperate to keep hidden. That's when we had two options: work through it, or break apart. And we broke.

Except we didn't just break apart: We shattered.

Now, standing in the ruins we've left behind, I've been looking back at everything. The accident, the pain, the ruin. There was so much left to say. So much we could have said, but we held ourselves back and didn't say anything. We left each other to find our own way out or drown.

Sometimes I remember you. I hear you hidden in the passing laughs of strangers. Those groups of friends that are still together. They lasted and we didn't. Sometimes, I remember you and I cry.

That should have been us.

Who am I, now that you're gone? Who am I, now that you're never coming back? I'm looking back at us and assessing the damage. Managing my wounds. And I've never felt so broken in my life. 

All of this is messing with my head, and I need to put this behind me. I need to let go before I fall.


Hey y'all! So this is a new book that I just started writing...I hope you enjoy it! It's going to be written in a series of letters and journal entries, just warning you. :) I really hope you like it, and be sure to leave a comment so I know how I'm doing!

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