September 5th, 2015

138 34 50

      I walked out of my room this morning, freshly showered and wearing a pair of jeans and a comfortable t-shirt. I stopped in the living room and stared at the empty dorm room across from mine. I got a letter two days ago saying I had just received a roommate, and she'd be moving in sometime today. I sighed. I just hoped it wasn't someone who was too mean or judgemental. Or too talkative. I didn't want a complete stranger prying into my business. Heck, I didn't even pry into my business. I just left it alone and tried not to think about it too often.

      I pouted. I was getting kinda used to having the whole place to myself. I walked over to the fridge and took out the container of ice-cream. Today was an ice-cream day. Vanilla. I poured some of the creamy goodness into a cup and flopped down onto the couch. Today was the day my privacy would be obliterated and some random stranger would live, and breathe, and sleep in the same airspace as me. Today warranted some ice-cream solace.

I pulled out a book and curled up sideways on the corner of the couch, resting my head against the back.

This was perfect.

      Just when I got comfortable and the couch was getting warm enough to sit comfortably, I heard a knock on the door. I clicked my tongue. Tch. You came too quickly. I'm not done with my ice-cream yet. Sighing, I put my book aside and got up from the couch, sticking my spoon upside-down in my mouth. I'd carry the cup with me. I needed my ice-cream.

I opened the door to see Clara awkwardly standing in front of me, a nervous smile on her face as if she was preparing to get shot. She looked up at me. "Uh, hi there. I'm..."

That's when it clicked for her. A huge grin spread across her face.

"Wait. Zeenath!" Her smile became wider, if that was even possible. "I'm...I'm your.. you're my roommate!"

She laughed. "If I knew that, I wouldn't have spent so long stressing over anything," she said, taking a deep breath and visibly relaxing.

I did the only thing I could think of. I removed the spoon from my mouth and held out my cup. "Ice-cream?"

She blinked, staring at me for a second and laughed again. "Sure. Just, let me get my stuff inside and I'll join you."

I stuck the spoon back in my mouth and nodded, moving away from the door so she could enter.

I watched her bring in a suitcase and silently went over to the door to the empty bedroom, holding it open for her, the spoon still in my mouth, my cup of precious ice-cream forgotten. I allowed myself a small smile. At least she's not a complete stranger.

      Putting away my cup, I walked over to the outside door and helped her bring her belongings into the bedroom. She was standing in the middle of the bedroom when I walked in with a box of God-knows-what-heavy thing inside. She saw me and quickly rushed over and helped me put the box down.

"You don't have to worry about helping me. Since it's you, do you mind me calling the others over to help?"

I shook my head.

"Great! I feel kinda bad intruding on you like this. I really hope you don't mind," She said, taking out her phone.

I shook my head, smiling around my spoon. It's fine. I made a dismissing motion with my hands, and walked out into the living room to let her make her call in peace.

I turned towards the kitchen and looked at it. I forgot to put away the ice-cream container. It might melt...

Just as I walked forward, I felt a pair of hands grab me by the shoulders, pressing down on them. "HEYYY ZEENATH!"

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