October 24th, 2015: Take a Hike

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"And then my poor meatball, rolled out of the door!"

I stuck my fork in my mouth and watched Luke through my glasses. He noticed me watching and grinned. "Nice song, huh?"

I rolled my eyes and picked at my food. "Sure Luke. You really know how to sing. It's music to my ears."

He leaned forward and winked. "Of course it is." He reached across the table for my plate and I stabbed him with my fork. He yelped and snatched his hand back. I narrowed my eyes at him. "My food."

"Well sheesh, I get it." He massaged his hand as Madison giggled.

"Don't steal Zeenath's food. She'll kill you."

I made a face at her. "My food," I repeated. She just laughed.

"So, Zeenath."

I turned back to Luke and raised an eyebrow. "What, you food-stealer?"

"We're going to Stone Mountain tomorrow."

I sighed and flopped over, resting my forehead against the table. "No."


"Mmph. Fine." I straightened. "But it can't take too long. I have homework to finish."


I looked over at Clara who grinned at me. "Dummy," I muttered.

"Just do it later." Luke waved away my question. I scrunched up my nose at him. "N--"

"Oh shut up Zeenath. You can't say that, and it's getting old. I win every time anyway." He stuck his tongue out at me.

I closed my mouth and stared at him. "Well, excuse me. I--"

"Tch. Just come." He reached over and quickly grabbed a noodle from my plate before I could stop him, dropping it in his mouth and standing up. "Don't be late."


I slowed down during my morning run, hearing someone's footsteps behind me. I turned as Damian caught up to me.

"You're surprisingly fast." He huffed and ran a hand through his hair.

I wiped the sweat forming on my brow and watched him from under my hand.

"What're you doing here?"

He raised an eyebrow at me. "Just sitting. Drawing. Left my notebook on the bench to catch up to you."


He shrugged and rubbed the back of his neck. "Where are you going?"

"Nowhere." I paused. "To the tree."


I smiled for a second, feeling a bit of courage settled in my chest. "I'll race you."

He looked up at me. "Yeah right."

"No seriously."

"Fine." He smiled slowly. "But I'll win."

I shrugged and turned back around. "Prove it."

      I took off down the sidewalk, hearing his footsteps behind mine as I went around the curve, focusing on my breathing. The park flew by in a blur and I saw the spot where I usually entered the forest up ahead. I slowed down and glanced backwards, turning back around with a start when I realized he was only a few feet behind me. I watched the ground race by as I ran through the trees. I'd been here every morning. Of course I'd win.

Within minutes, spotting the clearing ahead of me, I slowed down, turning to look for Damian. He wasn't anywhere behind me. I frowned and stopped running. Where'd he go?

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