chapter 14 Memory

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No one pov

You see two children aged 6 playing in the forest finding amazing things and the little girl giggling as her hair flows down from her beanie the boy's hair raven also with the beanie He is looking with his magnifying glass and turns at her smiling

Leo pov

Hey Eddward look at the butterfly " I smiled holding it in my hands while Big Brother turned smiling "Oh my that's a monarch butterfly and it a white with black and red spots very rare" We both laughed and giggled until it flew away I got sad "don't worry Leo come on let go explore more" he held my hand and I smiled.

Ok Eddward look a big big big tree" I ran to it Eddward got nervous as I climbed up "Leo that's dangerous Mommy and Daddy will get mad" I yelled down "Come on Eddward look at the view here it's pretty"

he hesitated but he started climbing up and I held his hand so he wouldn't fall "Oh my it's so spectacular up here look at the birds" We both laughed and giggled at the sight of the view and then we saw something amazing "Leo look" as I look at the direction he pointed more butterflies flew it was like millions of them and they were glowing " how are they glowing Eddward" my curiosity hits me "I'm not sure but we should catch one to show father."

Double D pov

Leo pouted at that "But it will be sad" I smiled "Don't worry Leo we will let it go after Father sees it" Her mint eye brightened up "You mean it" "Pinkie promise" we locked our pinkie fingers together and laughed and it was getting late " let's go home mother and father would be worried" she sigh "ok but careful " I climbed down but slipped a little and fell on my bum" Leo got scared " Eddward you ok" I giggled and rubbed my bum " ya im ok careful" as she climbed down I catch her As we catch 2 butterflies we put them in a jar and put it in my bag.

Alright let's head home" I held her hand because she was afraid of the dark so as we walked we heard a noise on the way home "Eddward I'm scared"Don't worry Leo I'm here" As we almost arrived home when we heard a huge crunch we stop at our tracks we both were frighten " Eddward"

"shh, Leo" I held her close then a shadow appeared Leo screamed a little "Stay away from us" It approached us it was a monster or a creature we had never seen he stared at us with wild eyes holding a knife in his hand I was frightened and so was Leo we were about to die here but I acted quick "Leo run"

I held her hand and we ran but then he caught up quickly in front of us I stood in front of Leo but I was struck hard on my head all I heard was Leo screaming oh no Leo but my head oh god it hurt ahh" Eddward EDDWARD" leo please run ahh I blacked out.

Leo pov

I was frightened there was blood everywhere I had blood on my hands and I heard his sickening laughter I stared at him in fear as my tears fell "Stay away from us" he smiled evilly and pulled my hair.

Ow, let go of me Eddward wake up please agh let go of me" he try to touch me weirdly but I bite his hand and he smacked me down I hit my head but still conscious " AH you stupid bitch I'll teach you a lesson real good "oh god we're gonna die I let out an ear screeching scream the whole neighborhood heard me that when he stabbed my chest I coughed blood and that's when the light was flashed at us.

"YOU MONSTER GET AWAY FROM MY CHILDREN" "d- da- daddy help me" My mind became fuzzy I didn't feel anything I held Eddward hands while Father and someone else fought the monster "Oh my god call 911 my babies my baby mommy here oh god!" as I heard other voices calling for help and our names my mind was very fuzzy. M- mo- Mommy I couldn't speak all the blood all I saw were lights and I faded to darkness.

To be continued

Beast- im going to kill tht rapist son of a bitch
Kev- ill join in the fun
Edd and leo frighting crying
Me- it ok guys well let continue

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