chapter 33 time of the jellyfish

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Leo pov

I woke up but felt tied down as my eyes adjusted to the bright light I looked around and noticed im strapped down to the table oh god "where am I" he laughed in the distance I looked up and he held a knife "your awake the game begins"

I got scared "No No!!" he gets closer and stabbed my leg I screamed a little "Ahhhh!!" I cried a little but I'm not weak I have to fight back "Did that feel good you little shit" I laughed a little "you're a bitch" he smacked me hard and stabs my other leg I screamed "AUGHH FUCK!!" he smiled.

"your heart will be last I like to torture you" he left and grabbed all the medical equipment and I became pale oh my god he gonna cut me open no no no no NOO "Mmm augh" he smiled "Oh you can't escape no one is coming" Kaito screams but I looked he strapped in the chair "stop this madness dad enough" he goes to him and stabs him no

"KAITO!! Stop it don't hurt him he is
your son" he laughs insane and looked at me "This piece of shit was never my son his mother was a whore he never was my child he was someone else" My eyes went wide I was in shock Kaito as well " THEN WHY YOU CAME BACK HUH!!" he looks at him than me "to finish business now where were we oh yes" he goes to me and continued to torture me I screamed blood flowing HURRY PLEASE!.

Edd pov

When we arrived at the manor I heard her voice but no one did I have very sensitive hearing "Leo I hear her follow me" Kevin Ed and Marcus bust down the door " LEO!" We ran in and split up to find her no sign of her just screams I held my head and cried "Edd are you okay"

I look at Eddy and Kevin "Her screams oh god they are torturing her I hear her blood-curdling screams oh my god" I freaked out if Leo died I would be alone but I couldn't move Eddy smacked me hard "Get up sock head we are not gonna mope there still time come on"

Kevin pulled my arm and we ran Leo where are you her screams got louder and then quiet all of a sudden oh no " that room" Marcus ran to us and we pointed to that room and knocked it down we all stood there horrified her body all bloody and he holding her heart Leo

"LEO NOO YOU KILLED HER!!" he smiled and held her heart in his hands marcus anger rushed in and knocked him out beating him and beating him nat had to stop him I looked and saw Kaito one eye was pulled out and a shoulder stabbed "Oh my god Kaito" he looked up at me with tears.

"I'm sorry I didn't want to he made me just kill me" I looked at Kaito "No you are my best friend I forgive you" he looked up and smiled a little "Leo" I looked at Leo and ran to her I cried we lost time "Leo oh god Leo please please" I felt her move "Leo how can you move without a heart?"

she looked at me and smiled and sang the jellyfish song and tears fell from my eyes "Don't go please there is still hope" She smiled again and said the last words "I'm sorry I lied to you Edd I'm sorry I love you all forgive me and happy birthday it time for the jellyfish to say goodbye ahh" blood spits a little out and hits my face I stand there she died right there I cried "LEO NOO AUGH NO NO PLEASE!!!"

Kevin pov

I couldn't say anything I failed I cried in the corner punching the wall " DAMNIT" I looked at Edd and held him but he kept fighting "let me go Edd let me go Leo taught" Eddy put the cover on her face I can't believe we failed I failed oh god "and we gotta - " NO SHUT UP EDDY I WANT LEO AUGHHH LEO!!"

Beast pov

I fall to my knees crying I lost her the love of my life I lost her oh god no "I'm small I'm fragile one touch I can be broken it's a heart" I looked at William and I punched him hard he spits blood "fuck you" "Marcus enough" Nat yells I just sit there tears falling "Leo why why why aughhh"

I lay there crying I never cried before I missed her as Eddy carried her up we all followed even William or Kaito whoever he was the police arrived and took her away Edd was screaming Kevin holding him back and I heard a bell on her bracelet jellyfish but why that sound unless "Hello cousin" I looked up to see him.

To be continued

Me crying- LEO OH GOD
everyone is depressed here crying
Me- nxt scene

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