chapter 41 oh shit

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Leo pov

As I woke up yawning I headed to the bathroom and showered and did my business and grabbed a towel head back to my room Marcus still sleeping I went to him and smiled "Good morning" he cuddled me to the bed where still naked "No stay here and sleep mmm" I smiled and cuddle him then Edward walked in on us "WHAT IN SAMS HELL IS GOING ON HERE" he covered his eyes I screamed at him

"DONT YOU KNOCK NISSAN" Marcus looks at him and gets up and blushed mega hard because he staring at his dick "PUT SOME CLOTHES ON OH GOD" Kevin runs in and his jaw drops "the fuck bro your bigger than me" he turns to see me covered in a blanket and his nose bleed edd hits Kevin "pervert don't look at my sister" Kevin laughed "sorry edd it just she you're a twinsand you both almost got the same body" I screamed

"GET OUT" Marcus pushed them out and looked at me "I'll leave" "No stay" I got up and put on my fresh bra and underwear and put on his shirt which looked like a dress on me and I smiled "You stay beside they had sex so did we hehe and you took my virginity away" i blushed hard and he goes to me and kissed me.

"so did you, Now I need a shower" I smiled and showed him the way and I kissed him again and head down and yelled and lectured me and I snapped at him "DIDN'T YOU HAVE SEX HUH HUH" he shut up and turned away and I turn away Kevin spoke to us "guys don't fight alright leo just return from the dead alright Edd" he sighs and hugged me close "I'm sorry" "me too brother im sorry" Kevin smiled and we hear a doorbell I go to answer and I get lifted I squeaked a little "hello my perfect body"

I blushed hard and out of no where Marcus pulled me back to his arms he was soaking wet and wearing a towel "don't touch Leo Joseph" he giggled "My apologies I came to see her body anyway I knew you took it away but I want to see her heart to make sure everything is in shape"

I looked and William smiled and hugged me "Hello Leo" I saw sadness in his eyes and I held his face "you upset tell me" he sighed and put my hands down "I'm nothing to you so don't worry" That hit me hard and i grabbed his face "what you mean"

William pov

I have to tell her that I kissed her and still love her but she wont be with me she has Marcus mm "I need to leave soon we can't friends anymore Leo Edd" and looks at me with hurtful eyes "What Why Kaito tell me" I sigh "because i love you and I can't affect our friendship just because of my silly feelings"Leoo was in shock

"I don't want to affect what you had and I'm already too late I need to go" I left and Leo yelled my name I just couldn't take it I bumped into Mike "Boss where have you been are we gonna get the nerds" I sigh but smiled a little "ya let go plan now"

To be continued

Me-Wtf Kaito you become good now bad wtf and good again then bad
Will-am i
Joseph-nxt scene

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