Keep on running (Chapter 2)

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Niall's POV

-Still flash back-

"Niall?! Are you mad? You've fount someone in a tree and now you want us to be his friend? Where are his parents? Why is he so skinny, Niall we need to find help!"

Louis' hands where going everywhere and his worried expression was becoming more and more fragile.

"Louis, Hes been here for days, look at him! He might of stayed here for more than a few days! The least we can do is be friends with him and help him! But we can't tell anyone! What would they do to him?" I shot back holding the small body tighter, I heard him whimper.

"Please" He whispered. "Please stop shouting"

I looked down and he pulled himself from me and went to Louis.

"Please help me" He got onto his knees and started crying into Louis' shorts.

"Shhhh" Louis hushed and he bent down and hugged the small boy and started stroking his brown curly hair. "We will help you, we promise"

-End of flash back-

I sighed leaning against the tree as the sun started to show. I looked at my watch and say it was 6am, wow time really does fly by when you're having fun, not.

I looked at my watch and started to fiddle with it, this wasn't my watch, my friend Zayn gave it me.

He was such a nice person, he was friends with me and Lou and Haz, he was always so quiet.

That was until he moved away to Bradford and left us here in Wolverhampton, I miss Zayn so much and so do Louis and Harry I bet.

It was a few years ago when I stopped talking to Harry and Louis, I just guess they moved on without me, Harry moved in with Louis and his mum and 4 sisters and they acted so much like brothers.

Zayn had a beautiful girlfriend called Perrie, I have no idea if they're still together or not. I never really thought about it.

And then there was me all by myself, no one to love, hold or care for.

No one to say they love me, no one to kiss me, no one to take my pain away. No one.

I let a silent tear make its way down my rosy cheek, but i whipped it off before it could make contact with my chin.


I'm not weak , I will not cry.

I put my ruck sack on my lap and fished inside and pulled out some crisps and started to nibble on them silently.

I sniffled and leaned my head onto the tree and watched the birds fly across the sky and the sun begging to rise higher and higher by the minute.

I smiled, sun rise, and sun set was always my favourite time or the day, no noise, no pain just watching the world change before my own eyes .

I put my left over crisps back in my ruck sack and slung it over my shoulder and made my way down the tree.

I shoved my hands in my pockets and looked around, little rain drops were planted onto the orange, green and red leafs of the trees.  

I started to kick a few leafs around with my left foot and looked a head, there was a little lake. 

It wasn't to small nor to big for a lake. Just right to have a little paddle or two, but I ain't that childish. I don't need a swim.

I made my way towards it and bent down and looked at my reflection. 

Ugly, stupid, worthless, no wonder why your father beats the shit out of you, look at you. Pathetic. 

Tears made they're way down my now cold as ice cheeks and this time they did reach my chin. I didn't bother whipping them away, I just watch them fall into the water below me and saw how it made my reflection disappear, but then once again, return.  

My tears became uncontrollable and my vision became blurry. 

My heart throbbed against my chest, along with my brain doing the same to my skull.  

I stood up and screamed throwing a rock into the water watching as my reflection disappeared. The ripples swaying slowly.  

I whipped away the remain of tears left on my cheeks and took a deep breath.  

'Whats wrong with me?' I thought 'what did I do to deserve this?' I sighed, for the millionth time this week and stood up straight.

I stood for a moment and listened, I could hear something? Something alarming, as the sound became clearer, I realised that sound. 

Police sirens.


I panicked, what if they was after me?! Did that monster get them to follow me? What do I do.

All I could do was run, hide and run.

I started of jogging past the trees and bushes, making my way out of the forest.

The police Sirens started getting loader so I started running faster, until my breathing was un even and the mud was once again staining my clothes.

That was until a hard yet firm chest came in contact with my own, and I went flying backwards along with the stranger landing on top of me.

Oh no.


OHHHHH Sorry the chapters are short, I don't really know what I'm doing with this fanfic or where its going so the chapters may be long or might be short, I dunno

you can give me ideas in the comments if you like! I will do prompts :) Thanks for reading!

Please vote or comment! will mean alot :)

Thank ya beauty's! Xxx

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