Do I Wanna Know? (Chapter 16.)

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Niall's POV

I was woken up by the suns beams blinding my eyes, the gravel beneath me digging into my sides as I groaned, using my sore elbow to block out the sun before I tried rubbing out the sleep from my eyes. I hate mornings.

After rubbing my eyes for a good several minutes I let my gaze settle on my surroundings. The trees danced as the birds sang, the flow of the rivers stream like a backing beat as all three sounds made a beautiful song. For once in my life I felt content, happy to say I was alive. Before I could think any further a sharp pain in my lower back made me gasp, my head snapped backwards along with my shoulders, my gaze dropping onto a beautiful human being.

Soft snores left Liam's slightly parted lips, which were squished against right against my shoulders, his hands had a firm grip on my upper thigh, were his sharp claws dug into my flesh, his warm chest pressed hard against my back, I shuddered.

I smiled, despite the shark nails digging into my pale flesh; I ran my hand softly through his short brown hair. His slight stubble grazing the inside of my wrists, letting my fingertips rub softly into the nape of his neck. He groaned before reaching his hand up, placing it over my own.

"Morning wolfie." I smiled playfully, watching him flicker his honey eyes at me before huffing, softly pushing my back onto my side before wrapping an arm around my torso, his face stuffed back between my shoulder blades.

"Mornin'." He grumbled, stroking my arm before nuzzling his face into my neck, leaving a chaste kiss there before steadily standing up, reaching his arms towards the clouds. His muscles bulged as he stretched, his scattered chest hair running down his abdomen, going past his belly button before disappearing below the blanket which was wrapped loosely around his hips.

"Morning." A ragged voice beamed, I turned towards the person before smiling warmly at him. Harry's hair was in loose curls swept to the right side of his head, his blue flowered shirt clung tightly to his slightly toned chest and torso, skin tight jeans clinging to his lolly pop like stick legs. He ran a lazy hand through his hair before letting a small smile hang on his tired face. His toes curled into the grass before he let his arm limply fall back against his side. I smiled back.

"Morning." Liam shot back, his gaze hard on Harry before he softly pushed pass the curly haired lad, his arms placed on his chest as he padded his way towards the lake beside the camp; the blanket trailing behind his back muscles perfectly defined in the sun light. His arms bulging as he went on all fours, drinking from the river. I sighed.

"You've got it bad." Harry stopped my thoughts. I flickered my eyes back towards him, a puzzled look on my face as I slowly got up, reaching my arms up into the air, squeezing my eyes shut as I let out a loud yawn before steadily wobbling towards the camp fire. Thumping onto the ground.

"What do ya mean?" I questioned, picking up the yellow cigarette lighter. Flicking the spiny wheel watching as a orange flame appeared. I lowered the lighter into the fire wood logs; watching as the campfire came alight. I watched in awe.

"You love him." Harry stated, plopping down beside me, his long fingers gripping onto the edge of the pan as he twisled it around in his hands, his shoulders slumped forward with his shirt draped softly over his shoulders, I shook my head.

"I don't love him." I whispered, placing my cold hand onto my left cheek, plucking out strands of grass from the ground, wrapping it around my index finger. I can't love Liam, it hasn't been long enough. "I mean, I-I do like him."

"You keep telling yourself that you don't love him, the harder you'll fall." Harry muttered softly, putting the pan down before he placed his large hands on the floor to help himself stand up before walking towards one of the backpacks, rummaging through the bag before flipping a can of beans, sitting back down beside me as I steadily hovered my hands above the crackling fire.

"Good morning." I turned towards Louis, laughing as I saw him come ass first from the tent, his arse in the air as he used his hands to move him backwards. His black jeans hugging his legs while his white t-shirt showed off his tattoos perfectly. I smiled at Harry before snatching the beans from his hands and clipping the lid open, pouring them into the pan before balancing the beans on top of the fire with pieces of wood.

"Morning." Me and Harry chorused together. I smiled turning my head to grin at Harry while he did the same. We all burst out laughing, including Louis who just managed to get outside the tent.

Louis skipped his way towards us, plopping himself opposite us as he smiled softly. A few strands of his caramel hair covering his piercing coral eyes. I stopped laughing when I felt something sharp dig into my thighs; I sighed when I looked down. It was just my claws digging into my blue jeans.

"What's so funny?" Liam asked, a tender smile tugging at the corners of his lips. His hazel eyes watching me while I looked down, I didn't want him to see how red my cheeks were from blushing.

"Nothing." Harry chuckled, stuffing his pinkie into the beans, checking how hot the pan was becoming, he winced. Guess they're warm enough.

"Niall can I have a word with you please?" Liam moved towards me, his large sun-kissed hand reaching towards me. I nodded, letting my smaller hand slip into his. His hand instantly caging mine as he tugged me upwards, dragging me behind him.

I let him tug me towards the flowing stream, fine rocks slipping in between my toes as I continued to blindly follow Liam. I let my eye lids close when a gush of wind slapped against my cheeks. I suddenly snapped my eyes back open when I felt two hands on my shoulders, pushing my spine into a willow tree, I winced, looking into Liam's amber eyes.

"We need to talk." He stated, letting my shoulders go from his grip before he ran his knuckles down the side of my rosy cheek. "We need to get you back to normal."

"I know." I bit the inside of my lip, letting my eyes follow the stream, looking over Liam's broad shoulders to watch how the sun made the stream glisten with vibrant colours. "We can't keep running."

Liam ran a strong hand through his hair before tilting my head up with his forefinger and index, a gentle grip on my chin. I let my eyes lock onto his before lifting my hand to touch the corner of his plump bottom lip. He breathed through his nose before he lifted his other hand which wasn't hold my chin to run along side my face, fredding his long fingers through my hair before leaning in and leaving a lingering his right between my eyes before titling head and neck, kissing my nose instead. I sighed softly.

"I'll keep you safe." Liam breathed softly in my ear before dropping his large hands from my face and leaving without a glance behind him. Damn it.

I shook my head, running my hands down my face before following in Liam's footsteps, back to Louis and Harry for breakfast.


So I just realised I haven't updated this fanfic since January the 4th, 2014. I honestly can't say how sorry I am to the readers who actually enjoy this. I feel like shit for not updating. When I read through the comments and looked at the notes I realised you guys actually liked this. To be honest I think this story couldn't get any worse but thank you for all of the amazing comments and If you do want another chapter please comment. Because if you don't want me to update I won't. x

Thanks for reading :) xX (sorry for any mistakes, I haven't read this since last year and have forgot the plot completely,) I'll update soon if people won't me to. xx

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 10, 2015 ⏰

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