Bright Eyes (Chapter 14)

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Niall's POV 

I couldn't believe Liam just did that , what had gotten into him? He scared me out of my wits and I have no idea why I'm crying about it, it did kinda turn me on when he got aggressive with me. But I'm just guessing that the outburst kinda just got to me and I ran, ran away from the back of the shop around the Mall and the other shops, stopping when I could no longer could keep running and flopped against a building wall.

Trying to catch my breath, I knew I shouldn't have left Liam, he might be worrying about me. But wait, who would ever worry about me? It's not like he really cares for me, he just wants to sympathy me for what has happened to in my pass. But I know deserved everything my Dad did to me just for being gay, I just needed a break from the b-beatings and come back to rehab.

 When I got my breathing back to normal and my heart rate at a normal speed I looked up, noticing the sky was pitch black and there was no sign of light anywhere, with just noticing this just because I had my eyes closed for a few minutes. I didn't actually notice it was at least midnight, and I was scared shitless. 

I began to tremble, wrapping my arms around my slim body and cowering over to a near by corner, to buildings connected together and hid my head in my arms as my phobia of the dark started to take over. I need Liam. Now. 

I need him to make me feel safe, i didn't even think about running away and how I was going to deal with the lonely nights, I was just so lucky to find someone like Liam on the journey. 

Tears slipped from my eyes as I squeezed them shut, my body trembling, thinking about all the things that could possibly happen being out here. 

"Liam" i whispered, letting his name slip from my lips as I rocked back and forth, imaging he was right next to me, either in dog form or not. He was just as beautiful either way. Weird to say that a wolf was beautiful, but when it was Liam. Indescribable. 

After a few minutes of chanting Liam's name and calming myself down and just kept the image of Liam engraved in my brain. I heard something snap in the bushes a head. My eyes snapped open and I started to tremble, knowing that this time Liam wasn't here to protect me. 

"H-Hell-o" I stuttered, standing up with jelly like legs and leaning against the wall for support, all I could see was a silhouette of a tree and a few branches, the rest was just dark. 

No one responded, I panicked, it could be anyone. What if it was robbers? Drug dealers? Rapists? Or even worst... Murderers. 

I started to walk away slowly from my place on the wall, feeling my way across the brick, feeling the ruff substance under my finger tips and let them dance across the wall, that was the only comforting right now, the feeling of a wall supporting my weight as I shuffled slowly round the corner. But  when I was just about to reach for  the edge of the building my hand came in contact with something cold and moving. 

"LIAM!" I screamed taking my hand away and watched as a big  shadow watch me pass out. 

Liam's POV

After searching for a good and solid ten minutes, I started to growl and thought about what if someone got my Niall? They would be so dead if they touched him, he was mine and I even left a mark on him to prove he was mine and only mine. 

After looking around all the shop and supermarket buildings I gave up, tears leaking down my face as I plopped outside a closed sweet shop store and sat on a brown bench. I put my head in my hands and listened around for any sign of my Niall. 

"LIAM!" Someone screamed. Niall's in trouble. 

I sprang off the bench and sprinted towards where the voice came from.  Using all my energy to pump my legs as fast as they could go and came close to The Nat West bank? 

I ran behind the building and saw two people kneeling down, the fuck?! 

"HEY!" I shouted, running towards them and pushing them away looking at an unconscious man on the ground, but it wasn't my Niall. "Where the fuck is he?!" I screamed grabbing one of the men with a beanie on and slammed him against the brick wall, growling and blocking his throat with my forearm. 

"I-I" He started before he passed out and went limp in my grip,  I screamed turning towards where the other man was but wasn't there anymore. Fucking prick. 

"OI!" I bellowed watching as the other man run away around the buildings corner. If he has touched my Niall he want fucking touch a thing again. 

I sprinted off leaving the two men on the concrete ground and ran towards him watching as he jumped off some of the bins and benches, bloody idiot. 

I growled, showing my dog teeth and feeling my claws go sharp as I ran faster, turning into wolf but not fully. 

My vision changed so I could so everything, keeping my eye on him as I watched him slow down, I smirked and ran full speed towards him, pumping my legs as fast as I could and pounced. Howling so loud I'm sure people from miles away could hear before landing on the man with brown hair and turning him around. 

Blood was tripping for his nose and I growled in his face, he started to tremble and I pinned him against the floor. Watching as tears pricked his eyes. 

"Tell me where he is and no one gets hurt!" I growled, my voice had gone extremely lower and I showed my teeth, growling louder, digging my nails in his wrist. He let out a small whimper before letting out a sob and stuttering out mixed words. 

"H-He e-esca-ped" He trembled "P-please! I'm tel-ling t-th-e truth! He g-got aw-ay w-with s-s-s-some guys!" He sobbed louder and I gave him a confused look and got up, kicking his stomach and howling, if there was other wolf's around here that would mean 'Missing partner' Or better known as 'Danger'. 

"You better be telling the truth! Or else you well never see the sights of day light ever again!" I kicked him one last time and watch him curl up in a ball and sob into the ground. Fucking twat. 

Who the fuck would take my Niall. I sprinted fast past the other shops and ran towards the park with trees and bushes with a pound. I felt my body change into wolf, my front paws landing on the ground as I howled again, searching through the park and trying to sniff out Niall's scent. 

I got a small whiff of strawberries and pure perfection and I knew straight away I had smelled out Niall. I growled and followed the scent. Running along the lake to the other side. I stopped when I heard talking. I creeped behind a bush and peeked over. 

Two boys were sitting beside the lake, one with curly hair and an shorter one next to the tall haired one. They was outside a small tent sitting beside the lake, they looked they was having a deep conversation. I noticed they was holding hands and looking into each others eyes. But I couldn't help find that Niall's strong scent was stronger.

When I looked from the two boys and saw a limp body near the tent. I growled, it was Niall. 

I jumped from where I was in the bush and pounced on Niall. Licking his face and whimpering for him to wake up. Anger boiled through my as I looked up and saw two familiar and shocked faces stare at me with big eyes. Aren't they--?

"Liam?" Harry asked and I stopped growling and nuzzled my face against Niall's, licking his ear and cheek  before turning back into human form and watched as the both of them watch me (still holding hands with each other) transform, the only problem was I was still in my boxers. 

"Hi" I smiled, I looked down and watch Niall stir from beneath my legs and I kneeled down on top of him , stroking his cheek and watched his eyes flutter open. 

But the thing what got to me the most, his eyes were no longer the beautiful vibrant blue like I remembered, they were a bright amber. Just like mine... 


Oh no! What's happened to Niall?!  Find out next time ;D I joke xx I hope you liked this chapter and sorry I havent updated lately! Been busy with school and shite, I just wanted to type, thank you for everyone who reads this and comments and votes, it means so much to me that you enjoy this story and I love you so much xxx :) (btw my edit of wolf Liam on the side <3 :) x

Thank ya beaut's (Please comment what you thought and please vote <3333 xxxx) 

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