Love At First Sight? (Chapter 4)

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Liam's POV (YAY!)

( Warning; Little bit of smut in this one, not a lot, and a bit of strong language) x 

My paws padded their way through the forest,  darting my way past all to familar trees and leaping over rocks. I wish I could've stayed longer to chat with the blonde beaut, but people don't understand. Nearly the whole of England and Ireland is after me, only because they fount out my secret. Which isn't really a secret anymore . 

Only because I eat meat and steal goods doesn't mean I don't have a heart. People have been haunting me down for as long as I can remember. My parents left me when i was just a cub, I'll always remember that day. The last trace of my parents. The memory which I hold closes to me. I loved my parents so much, but no more. They left me to deal with this chaos, the constant running is getting me wond up and stressed. 

I just want to settle down, have a family, be normal and just someone to care for and cherish. 

"HEY!" My head whipped back and my paws came to a stop, my claws digging into the dirt. 

A mop of blond hair came into view and I sighed. Ahh the blond sweetheart, how could I forget? I've only just seen him but I just won't to get to know him. 

My body shock and arched as I slowly went back into form after checking there was no once else around.

"Sorry about the running" I murmured as the blue eyed gem stood in front of me. His chest rising and falling at a extremly fast pace. 

"Its" He inhaled "Fine" exhaled.

 "I'm sorry If I confusing you and all, but I'm quite sure you already know that I am a wolf?" I chuckled.

"Yeah pretty much" His eyes locked with mine and my breath hitched. Wow his eyes are the most beautiful blue I've ever seen.

 "So... How come someone as beautiful as yourself is all alone in a lonely place like this?" My hands gestured to the forest around us. "If you don't mind me asking?" I added, smiling a little. 

"Long story short... I'm kinda.. er running away" 

"Oh" I reached up and scratch the back of my neck. 

That's when I heard the police sirens, for fuck sake. 

"Hey errr, I kinda have to go again so if you want to join me be my guest and hop on" I said quickly. What?! What Am I thinking?! Why did I just say that?! 

I got on all fours and hissed as my bones slowly started to form into a canines structure. 

I let our a long howle which wasn't really nesserary and turned to the blonde and tilted my head, signalling to him to jump on. 

"You're crazy" Was all he said then he lepped onto my back and i let out a hoff and started to run on all fours.


The police (or FBI if you like) Where starting to catch up. 

I felt Niall's arms tighten around my neck and I felt  his breathing increase into my ear. 

"Hurry up Li" He whimpered and snuggled his head next to my furry check. 

His legs where on both sides of my waist and wrapped tightly around me, his feet slightly knocking my back legs. 

He was slowly rubbing onto my back because of the speed i was sprinting at, the friction was making me growl (literally).

I front paws came to a halt, my back legs slightly lifting up in the air, coursing the legs around my waist to tighten and small sniffles to be heard from the beautiful blond on my back. 

It was a good job I stopped, because there was a cliff just a few meters ahead. 

I slowly started to trout around the cliff, examining the hill to make sure it was safe. At the bottom was a little lake, and on the opposite side there was a waterfall, that explains  alot. 

I nuzzled my wet nose into Niall's face and watched him lift his head from my neck where it was hidden. 

I then licked his nose to course him to giggle and to snuggle closer to my body and I'm sure I saw a little smile appear on his perfect face. 

I slowly started to make my way around the cliffs edge and crept my way to the top of the waterfall. 

When we reached the lake, I lied down and rolled over making Niall squeal, I flipped over so I could go on all fours on top of him and slowly started to turn into human firm. 

My arms grew long and slim and the same happened with my legs, and my fer changed into my tanned skin. 

I watched as the boy beneath me watched in awe, my eyes locked with his and I finally turned back to my normal self. But that's when I realised I was half naked on top of the most beautiful creature I have ever seen. 

I slowly settled all my weight on the body beneath me and I moaned feeling the boys groin rubbing against mine. 

I slowly lifted my head so I was once again looking into the ocean like blue eyes I have become very fond of getting lost into.

His little tongue poked out of his plump pink lips, licking the bottom one and wetting it. My stomach started to tingle and my lower regain was sure enough going hard. 

My hands were placed into the boys blond locks and his were just above my bum, on my lower back. I slowly leaned in, watching the boys blue orbs disappear and his eyelashes to flutter shut. I mimicked his action and slowly stuck my tongue out, licking the boys lips in one swift motion. I nuzzled my nose into his, our lips brushing together. I stopped my action as I felt his teeth grip onto my bottom lip. 

I opened my eyes to see his already open, we stayed like that, with him nibbling at my bottom lip and me slowly running my finger tips through his bleached hair I have grown to love. 

I wish we could stay here forever, me on top of someone I hardly know. But I somehow feel a connection. Like we've been through the same things, both running away from something or someone. 

I want to get to know him, become his friend. And maybe even a lover? 

He might just be able to fix me. 


Sorrryyyy! It's been a while since I've updated but my internet was down and I've had some exams this week and I've been kinda stressed ANYWAY! Thank you for a couple of comments on the last chapter, just to let you know I got all kiddy and excited when I read them! And yeaah It is kinda 'unique' you could say that. And don't worry Louis and Harry also Zayn will be in soon! And I will have another romance if you wish. So COMMENT who you want in this Vote for Zouis, Larry or Zarry. Most votes will win and I will make the 2 lucky boys loverssss! :) Anyway enough, and thank you for reading! Means alot. 

Thank ya beauts! Comment and vote if you wish! ;D xxx

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