Like The Back Of My Hand (Chapter 6)

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Warnings;Strong Language

Liam's P.O.V 

 The lake was absolutely freezing, and if you looked closely into the cool water, you could see the little fish swimming around your ankles and feet, I smiled and snapped my head when I heard splashing. I saw Niall with his back towards me and he was washing his obviously dyed hair. His back muscles  flexing as he moved his hands into the lake to cup more water and splash it over his head, the sunset was making his body look even more out standing then ever , and his silhouette was just astonishing from where I was standing. The water was just above our waists, and Niall was just about 6 meters away from me..

 A evil smile spread across my face as an Idea popped into my head. 

I took a deep breath & quickly ducked into the water and closed my eyes but then re-opened them, the water stung the surface of my eyes balls like a bitch, but I man'ed up and swiftly made my way towards Niall. 

I faintly heard him humming a tune as i just was about to reach for his leg, he was still wetting his hair, running his finger tips through it and he had his eyes closed. I was going to scare him, but how can you disturb something so peaceful. So.. Beautiful? 

I slowly lifted out from under the water and pressed my belly against Niall's back and with-drawed my hands from my sides and wrapped them around his slim waist. 

I heard him gasp but when he realized it was me, he became almost limp in my grip. I sighed and leaned my head on his shoulder. I then felt his hands on top of mine and in a way he hugged himself, just with my arms in the way. 

I felt that my head was to far from his so I scouted my head from his shoulder to the junction where his neck meets his shoulders and breathed in, then nuzzled my head into him and kissed the soft skin just below my nose. 

He then leaned his head back so it was resting on my shoulder, giving me more space to kiss his neck. 

"You okay?" I breathed as I continued kissing his neck and stretching to kiss his throat multiple times. 

"Hmmmmm" He hummed and nuzzled his cheek into mine, I chuckled and squeezed his body tighter to my stomach. 

"Open your eyes" I whispered into his ear. He didn't protest or ask why he just obliged  and smiled at me. I gave him a small grin and lifted his head so he was looking straight out into the horizon, the sun slowly setting and the sky was a beautiful red/pink colour, signalling it would be a nice day tomorrow. I hope. 

"It's beautiful" he mumbled as he stared in awe. 

"I know you are" I smiled cheekily and flipped him over so I could hug him. I heard him chuckle then squeal as I did so. 

He wrapped his arms around my neck and hugged me back, his stomach flushed against mine. I rested my chin on his hair and kissed it before closing my eyes.

"Liam?" Niall said from beneath me.

"Yeah" I whispered back.

"Yano.... How we...Like  hardly know each other?" He said as he left from the hug put kept his arms around my neck.

"Mmmm" I murmured. 

"Well... I just feel, that I've known you for nearly all my life... Like we have some kind of connection.  I know it sounds cliche but... Yeah" He smiled shyly then flopped into my body once again. 

"Yeah I know what you mean" I smiled as I stroked his hair. 

"We should really get out before we turn into crinkly raisins" He chuckled and re treated his hands from around my neck and gestured for me to follow. 

"You comin' or you gonna sleep in there" He laughed as he climbed out and whipped himself down with his shirt. 

"Ha Ha Ha very funny" 

When we both got dressed again, our clothes were kinda wet but we just said they'll dry and talked for a while. We talked about a lot of things, we played twenty questions and even shared secrets, and how we both got the same middle names. We talked about how I'm a wolf and he said It must be awesome to be an animal. Oh, only if he knew. 

Right now he was snuggled against my chest with his back pack as our pillow, we had a few sandwiches and left over crisps which were left over in his ruck sack. but other from that, it was very peaceful. 

I was playing with his hair as he was drifting off, and the moon was shinning bright in the night sky, and that was the only source of light, we tried making a fire but failed. Niall was complaining how cold it was, but I'm a wolf, so I don't really feel the cold, and I offered Niall to sleep with me so we could share body heat for the night. I tried my best to cover all of him with my arms and legs, by wrapped my legs around his and my arms locked around his back and his head stuffed into my chest to try and keep him as warm as possible. 

Suddenly, I heard small snores from sleepin' beauty, I laughed silently at my remark and snuggled closer to him. 

My eyes finally started to drift close, then everything went blank. 


HELLOOO!  :D I hope you liked the chapter! And sorry if everything is like going to fast if yano what  I mean ;) I myself, was just dying for some Niam action. So I hope I irrupted thousands of Niam feels into your systems and feel free to comment or vote my lovelies. AND SORRY FOR THE SHORT CHAPTERs! I promise I will make AN EXTRA LONG ONE SOON! But It may take a while... 

And I may or may not need some ideas for the next chapter, so don't be affraid to comment some of your amazing ideas! And don't worry! The rest of the lads will be in the fanfic soon! And thank you for nearly 500 reads and 15 notes and 5 comments! OMG THANK YOU!! Anyway I'll shut up and leave you all be! 

Thank Ya Beaut's ;) xxx (Ps sorry if theres is any mistakes <3) 

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