Cover Blown (Chapter 12)

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Niall's POV

I gripped onto the trees bark, crossing my fingers and claiming my eyes shut. Why does this have to happen to me? 

A single tear slipped from my teary and I sniffed sitting down properly on the tree and hugging my knees to my chest, rocking back and forth. 

Liam was hiding, but I could tell that he was going to be seen by the couple we saw. But there's something nagging at the back of my head, 'That boy looked so familiar' but I just couldn't put my finger on it. 

'Who has black hair? Dark as a ravens, always wears black and has a girlfriend..' I thought silently, looking below, watching Liam slam his back against an opposite tree from me. 

My head snapped to the side of Liam to see the couple, with the girl on the boys back. Wait a seco-. 

The boy with the raven hair dropped the girl, he turned to her and said something before making his way towards Liam, his fist clenched to his sides and face red. 

"I know you're here who ever you! Stop stalking me and my girlfriend and leave us alone!" He screamed at the tree Liam was hiding behind. The girl was behind the boy and reached her hand out to touch the boys shoulder, Oh. 

"ZAYN!" I screamed, a grin made it's way to my face as I realised it was Zayn! 

I quickly climbed down the tree and flung myself at him. Wrapping my arms tightly around his waist and squealed. 

"Wha- Niall?!" He smiled and hugged me back. 

"I can't believe it's you! How long has It been? And who's this?" I rambled on and looked at the girl behind Zayn. 

"Well, er this is my girlfriend Chloe, the one I moved away with and Chloe this is my long lost friend Nia-" 

"WHAT?!" Liam shouted before coming from behind the tree and wrapping his arms around me in a protective manner, here we go again. 

"Who are you?" Zayn questioned as he slipped a hand around Chloe's waist pulling her to his side. 

"I'm Niall's boyfriend and mate, and we was just leaving" Liam huffed as he grabbed my hand and intertwined our fingers, I whined. 

Zayn and Chloe gave me a confused look as I looked behind my shoulder giving them an apologetic look. 

I stopped Liam from going any further and pulled his hand down, making him come eye-level with me. 

"Liam! What are you doing?!" I shouted/whispered. "Don't do what you did last time, Zayn's just a friend, nothing more." I said as I grabbed his hand and placed it softly on my chest, just above my heart. "Liam, do you feel that?" I asked as I pressed his hand harder to my heart.

He nodded and I continued "This is yours and only yours, no one can change that. My heart is yours, okay?" I whispered sweetly before stroking his cheek. He smiled and grabbed my hand which was on his cheek and intertwined our fingers, before kissing mine and heading back to Zayn and Chloe.  

"Sorry about that" I said before returning back to Chloe and Zayn, who were just laughing at something the other one said. "Liam's just... Er- a little protective" I said nervously before scratching the back of my neck. 

"You can say that again" Zayn muttered with a stern look on his face, Chloe hit his arm and gave him a angry expression. I felt Liam tense up beside me and I rubbed his bicep, trying to calm him down. 

"Anyway, why are you two all alone in a place like this?" I asked as Liam made his way behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist and resting his head on my shoulder, giving the evils to Zayn. Oh boy. 

"Well, we could be asking the question to you, and I do hope you do know that your 'boyfriend' is kind of.. What's the word? Under dressed?" Chloe giggled and rocked on the heels of her feet. 

I took a quick glance at Liam to see what we should say, we couldn't possible tell them that we are going to the Mall to get Liam an outfit. Liam quickly came up with an excuse.. 

"We- Er, came back from a camping trip, and we was with some other people and they thought it would... Erm be funny to throw my clothes away?" Liam stuttered, blushing and whispering into my ear that we should get going. 

"Okay then?" Zayn laughed, and Chloe tagged along flipping her hair over her shoulder and taking one ear-bud from her ear. 

"We kind of, need to get going." I faked smiled before going towards Zayn and giving him my number and giving Chloe a quick kiss on the cheek before returning back to Liam and waving slightly as they made their way back to their 'spot' they was before. 

"Bye! Don't be a stranger!" I called before they was no longer in sight. Liam sighed in annoyance and took my body and held it to his side as we made our way towards the Mall, well we hoped. 

"I don't like that Zayn kid" Liam muttered as his grip tightened on me as we continued our journey. 

"Liam, don't be so hard on him. hes one of my best friends. He helped me a lot when I was a kid" I stated and nuzzled my nose into Liam's shoulder, making Liam get the blanket so we could walk with it around us again. He smiled. 

"I suppose" He huffed. 

I closed my eyes, tired washing over me as me and Liam continued walked, I rested my head on Liam's shoulder tripping. 

I squealed and gasped in shock as I felt Liam's arms snake around my body and lifting me up bridal style. 

"Sleep" He whispered before getting two of his fingers and put his finger tips on top of my eye-lids, closing them. 

"Mmmm" I hummed before getting comfortable in Liam's arms and drifting to sleep. 


Omfg, this chapter is so shit, I'm sorry I really am, but I've been so like indulged with trying to write 'The Smart Kid' I've had hardly any time to write this, and I know it's rubbish. I am very tired because my stupid neighbours woke me up at like 7am this morning  when I wanted a lie in. -.- Anyway I hope this chapter is acceptable and thank's for the support, and if you're a fan of Niam, and Marcel and Larry, then I would love it if you check out my new  fanfic The Smart Kid ;) xxxx 

Thank ya beauts! (Please comment or vote) Love yaass xxxx (sorry if theres any mistakes.) 

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