Panic (Chapter 3)

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Niall's POV

I groaned, shutting my eyes and wiggled trying to escape from the person who was on top of me. 

My eyes shot open and I came face to face with a beautiful brunette, he had plump lips, a cute little button nose and puddles of chocolate for eyes, with a slight hint of amber. I noticed he was very tanned with baby like smooth skin , he was staring back into my eyes a worried expression covering his face. Nothing was said, we only laid there, with his hard toned chest pressed firmly against mine. 

Blood started to travel to my cheeks finally warming them up due to the fact that a very fit stranger was lying on top of me. 

I went to open my mouth to speak but he beat me to it. 

"I-I am sorry" he stuttered.

The police sirens got louder. That's what snapped me out of my trance. The brunette quickly got up and ruffled his hair and sprinted off. Leaving me standing on my own in the middle of no where. 

I watched him run away, he was wearing ripped shorts and his shirt was also ripped. He had no shoes on which led me to think why, and  to add to it.... he had a pretty nice ass. 

Yeah I am gay, no biggy. 

I quickly turned my head and saw police men and women running for me. 

"HEY!" I shouted sprinting in the same direction the beautiful brunette ran off into. "SLOW DOWN!" I screamed, trying not to trip over like earlier. 

I re-entered the forest and looked behind me to check if they was still after to me. They was.

I quickly made my way deep into the forest, where there was hardly any sunlight peering through the trees. I flung myself onto a tree and started to climb it, grabbing the branches and every now and then i would look behind me to check if someone was watching me or running after me. 

I reached the top of the tree and looked a head. 

I tried to regain my breath taking deep breaths, my heart was beating fast against my chest. 

Suddenly I heard a crack from a head, I listened and heard it again, I looked ahead and saw a dog like figure. Cute I thought. 

I looked all around, "Think I lost 'em" I breathed aloud. 

I slowly claimed the tree and grepped my way towards the unknown creature, being as silent as possible. I hid behind a berry bush and peered over it watching the dark creature sniffing around. 

The animal looked up. My breath hitched. It was a wolf, a very big wolf in fact. It was a beautiful brown with amber eyes to match. Its ears flicked upwards and lifted its head in the air, sniffing away again. 

I slowly tried to back away, trying not to disturb the pup. But my back hit a tree. I squeezed my eyes shut and hoped that the wolf didn't notice. 

I re opened my eyes and saw that the wolf was staring at me. Closer than before and growling. 


"Nice doggy" I said my voice shaky due to the nerves building inside of me. I slowly started backing away slowly from the tree. 

'why the fuck would they have a wolf near a park anyway' I wondered. Wolfs don't live in England. I think.

It came closer to me, each step it took with its paw, I stepped back. That was until my back came in contacted with another tree. Darn. 

The wolfs growls were becoming loader and much clearer as it made its way towards me. 

I whimpered. 'This is it, I'm going to get killed by a wolf, I'm a dogs breakfast. Literally'

I slid down the tree resting my back against it and sighed, giving up hope. 

"Please, just kill me already" I whispered staring into the canines eyes. Watching the dogs stop in its tracks and its face only a centimeter away from my own, its nose slightly touching mine, I could also feel its breath against my lips. Which made me shiver. 

His growling became more distant, and the dogs eyes became more sad, its small eyebrows turning up-wards in a little frown. 

The eyes became smaller and squinted, the dark fur around its eyes disaperaing and the eyebrows slowly became bigger, the wolfs fur slowly turned into a tanned smooth skin, which reminded me of the brunette boy who landed on me a few minutes ago. 

The wolfs claws slowly turned blunt and became a pinkish colour, and the paws became more slender and human like. 

I closed my eyes, I'm going crazy, what am I thinking, that a wolf is the same boy I saw earlier today. I'm crazy. A fucking mess. 

When I re opened my eyes the same beautiful brunette I saw earlier was standing in front of me. His shirt now gone and he was only wearing small shorts and he looked surprising warm for such weather. He was looking at me with much concern. 

I just blinked my mouth forming an '0' and my eyes increasing with size. Was this boy just a wolf? 

"Hey" He whispered. He was over towering me, mainly because I was sitting on the uncomfortable forest ground and leaning against a rock hard tree.

He stuck his hand out which I gladly slipped mine in, warmth covered me as his hand came in contacted with my own. He pulled me up, he still over towering me. Wow hes beautiful.

He smiled slightly, turning his head left and right before turning back to me and stuck his hand out once again. Breath taking. 

"L-Liam. My names Liam" He said quietly. his bottom lip sticking out slightly, making me want to kiss the boy even though I've just met him. 

I slipped my hand in his once again  and slowly shook his hand with mine. "Niall" I smiled and retreated my hand and put it back to my side. 

"Well, we meet again then" he chuckled scratching the back of his neck with his right hand.

"Yeah" I smiled "Again"

"I guess you're wondering what happened a mi-minute ago." He said, continuing to whisper. 

"Yeah I guess" My head dropped low and my cheeks flushed. I stared at his well toned body. Smirking slightly. "I just wanted t-" 

"I'm sorry I got  to go " Was all he said before he shot off. That was until I heard shouting coming from my left. And the same police sirens from earlier. 

For god sake. 

"Not again!" I groaned before running after him once again. 


OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH so yeah Liam's a wolf. idjweifjwefnj 

Sorry it sucks :( I hope you liked it though, and there will be more Niam action soon! and some drama :) Let me know what you think and I'll update soon! :) 

Thank ya beauts! xx :) Ps please comment or vote! xx :) 

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