Chapter 1

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Normani's POV

"WHAT?" All four girls shout in unison.

Camila: Mani you can't just leave us!

Lauren: Yeah, this is Fifth Harmony, not Fourth Harmony. We need you!

Dinah: You can't just quit, dawg!

Ally: We flove you way too much to just let you walk away!

Darn, they sure aren't going to make this easy. You see, I'm pregnant with Arin's baby, I'm only three weeks along. And they can't find out my secret. So I've decided to leave now,because they would be very disappointed in me. I'm not telling Arin either. I broke up with him after I found out. I mean there's just no reason to ruin both of our careers. It's just best that we move on with our lives. But geez, I'll miss him so much, and the girls too. Only my mother and grandmother know. I could tell they were disappointed, but they are willing to help me. I knew they would be supportive.

I've made some big mistakes before, but this takes the cake. I bet you're wondering, "If the baby was a mistake, why not abort it, right?" Wrong. My mother always tells me that everything happens for a reason, so I'm keeping the baby. The thing is, I can't be pregnant and in 5H. It pains me to leave, it really does. Gosh, this is all my fault. And now, as I look at their sad faces, I feel even worse.

"Girls, I'm so sorry, I really am." A car honks outside. "Well, that's my mom." I can tell I'm about to start sobbing. "Mani, please don't go!" Ally starts to cry, which makes all of us cry too. "I'm gonna miss you so much." I give them big hugs, and with that we go outside where my mom is waiting.

I sadly put my bags in the trunk, not ready to end this chapter of my life. I hope they won't hate me for doing this. "Mama D, were gonna miss you!" Camila says. "Why does Mani have to go anyway?" Lauren asks, confused. Crap, I haven't come up with an excuse! "Normani wants to go back to pageantry now, I'm sorry." She gives them hugs and sad smiles. All of them look hurt and betrayed. Wow I feel so guilty.

"I just want you girls to know that I love you. You're like sisters to me, and I'm not leaving because I'm mad at you. It's just time for me to move on from Fifth Harmony." They aren't convinced. "But-" Dinah starts, but Lauren cuts her off. "Just let her go okay. We should support her decision. Make sure you always call us!" I hug them one more time, and with that, we pull off. They wave and wave until they're just specs in the review mirror. And that's how I feel, like they're not even in my life anymore. :(

~In Houston~

I've been crying the whole drive home, but seeing my house brought a smile to my face."Home, sweet home." We bring my bags inside and I start to unpack. After that I lay on my bed, rubbing my stomach and thinking of all the good times I've had with the girls and Arin. I can't help but smile. Which reminds me, they wanted me to call them. But I can't, because they would ask too many questions. I sigh, wondering what my life will be like now.

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