Chapter 10

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SORRY I HAVEN'T UPDATED! I got in trouble again :/ I'm trying to be good wish me luck

Normani's POV

~Three Days Later~

Arin and I haven't said a word to each other since that night. I don't even like being around him, so I usually go to my friends' houses all day. The girls have apologized tons of times for sending Arin here, but I'm not mad at them. I'm mad at myself for thinking that Arin was different. That he was "The One." I was so stupid, especially for thinking that I could change his mind in seven days. Actually, he has to change his mind himself, I can't do that for him.

I go downstairs for breakfast and see Arin and my mom already eating. "Get whatever you like," she tells me, smiling. "By the way you have an ultrasound today at noon." I can't help but smile, I love going to get ultrasounds. "You're welcome to join us Arin." Mom! I don't want him to come! Oh well, he's just gonna say no anyway. "I'll go. After all, it's my baby too." He replies. I gawk at him. What's going on here? Just a few days ago he sad he didn't want anything to do with the baby.

I bet he's just going to get on my nerves. Well, it sure is working. After that, we eat breakfast in silence. I go upstairs to get ready, and before I know it it's 11:30. On the way to the clinic, my mom is making small talk with Arin, and I feel like I'm going to puke. When will she understand that he's not scared to have a kid, he's just a big jerk?

"Normani Hamilton." The nurse calls my name and we go back to the room where the doctor is waiting. She rubs the gel on my stomach, and soon enough we see a little tiny thing on the screen. (She's only five weeks along)

"Would you like to listen to the heartbeat?" Dr. Roberts asks, and I nod eagerly. It sounds like a horse galloping. Aww, it's so sweet! I look at Arin and he's beaming. Oh my gosh, is he really changing his mind? I hope so.

Dr. Roberts says I'm doing well and all that stuff, and after a little while we leave. We get lunch at Chili's, and I sit next to Arin. While we wait for our food, he grabs my hand and I get butterflies in my stomach. He doesn't let go until our food comes. Wonder what that was for? Did he change his mind or not?

Arin's POV

The guilt was really getting to me. I felt like a jerk and I wanted to make it up to Normani. So I went to the ultrasound with her. The whole time, I was thinking that Normani's right. We can do this together. That baby needs me. So I decided to talk to her once we got home.

"Normani, can I talk to you?" I ask. She nods. "I've been thinking that what I said wasn't fair. I was being selfish, and I didn't mean what I said. I'm willing to try this, if you'll forgive me."

She smiles really big. "Of course I'll forgive you! I was hoping you would change your mind." I kiss her, and there go the fireworks as usual.

"I love you Normani."

"I love you too, Arin."

Normani's POV

DID THAT JUST HAPPEN?! I can't believe it! For the rest of the afternoon, we talk and goof off like old times. Before I go to bed I FaceTime the girls. "OMG Mani! We knew everything would work out." Ally says with a wink. "Yeah, and keep sending us pictures from your ultrasounds." Camila says.

"So you're coming to LA to shoot the music video for Miss Movin' On right?" Dinah asks. I smile and nod. "Normani...." Lauren says. Oh gosh, she wants something I can tell.

"Yes, Lolo?"

"We're going to be so busy, promoting the single and rehearsing for our concerts and stuff like that. You'll have to keep moving back and forth, and that won't be good for the baby. Do you think you can move back to LA? Pretty please? The house isn't complete without you." I consider this. I do miss my girls a bunch, I guess I could come back. "Yes!" I answer, and they go into hysterics.

"We're going to be on KIIS FM soon. It was going to be today, but we told them to wait a little while until you can come too." "Okay well, I'll be there after Arin leaves on Wednesday. So tell them we'll be there on Thursday."

"Will do. We can't wait to see you!" Dinah says. "We gotta get some sleep, goodnight see ya soon!" "Very soon," I reply. I get to move back in with my sisters, and I finally got my Arin back. Can life get any better?


Aww so happy :) this isn't the end of the story, I've still got like 15 more chapters that I plan to do.

5H really is going to be on KIIS FM today at 3:30 Pacific time I can't wait!

I am thinking about doing a 5H/1D fanfic where it's ten years later. I think it will be good. What do you think?


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