Chapter 9

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Arin's POV

SHE'S WHAT?! No... I must be hearing things. I stare at her for a while, confused. "Normani.... you're kidding right?" I could barely say anything, I was so shocked. "Arin, I wish I was. It was a mistake that we made, but I'm owning up to it." She looks at me, waiting for an answer.

"This is what you had to tell me? This is why you broke up with me?" I laugh. "Mani, haven't you ever heard of an abortion?" I mean honestly, she doesn't have to be going through all of this right now. She has a choice. You can see the hurt in her eyes. "Arin, how could you be so insensitive? I am NOT going to abort my baby! I'm owning up to our mistake, unlike YOU! YOU ARE SUCH A COWARD AND I HATE YOU! You're just worried about your precious little career, which doesn't seem to be taking off anytime soon! I don't even want to be in the same room as you, get out of my house." She gestures to the door.

I try to reason with her. "Normani, you can have a baby years down the road. Don't you want to be in Fifth Harmony instead of sitting at home thinking about what could have been? We are too young to be parents, we have no idea what we're doing!"

"Arin, you're right we don't know what we're doing. But people can help us! We won't have to face this by ourselves. But this won't work unless we do it together." She looks at me, pleading, but I just can't do that right now. "I'm sorry Normani, I really am," I tell her sadly, shaking my head.

"I thought you were different, Arin, I really did." She looks furious, but at the same time like her heart is broken. "Just go back to Ohio okay? Leave me alone." She opens the door, and I'm about to go when Ms. Hamilton comes in through the garage. "I'm home Normani!" She calls. "Hello, Arin it's nice to see you! Come and sit for a while."

"Actually, I was about to go back to Ohio. I just wanted to visit for a little while." "Oh no! You just got here, I insist you stay for at least a week. Look at all of those bags! It would be rude to send you to a hotel."

Normani's eyes widen. "Mom, just let him go okay? He'll be fine." "Normani, I refuse to send him away. He's staying," she says, smiling at me.

"Well, if you insist." I give in. When Ms. Hamilton wants something, she gets it. There's no point in arguing with her. Normani glares at me. "Where are your manners? Normani show our guest to his room." Mani

rolls her eyes and leads me upstairs.

"There!" She says rudely. "Let's get some things straight. Don't talk to me, don't mention anything that happened today to my mom, and don't come in my room at ALL. Got it?" "Got it," I answer, sighing. It's like we don't even know each other anymore. She's treating me like I'm her annoying little brother. "Normani, don't be like this."

She gapes at me. "ME?! You're the one being the coward, the one refusing to have anything to do with your baby. You told me to get a freaking abortion, for God's sake! So don't act like I'm just being mad at you for nothing. You're the jerk here." And with that, she walks off. Okay, so maybe I didn't do the best job of expressing my opinion. So what? She didn't have to make such a big deal out of it. "This is going to be a long week," I mumble.

Normani's POV

I can't believe him! Arin used to be so different! He told me that he would always be there for me and support me, no matter what. Maybe he was just lying to me. But here I am, pregnant with his baby, and he wants nothing to do with it. Yeah, we are very young to be parents. But we could have gotten through it together. Now, it's going to be a whole lot harder without him. Gosh, he's so selfish!

I'm not blaming the girls. They had no idea that Arin would be such an idiot. He broke my heart, yet he doesn't seem to care. I lay on my bed crying for hours until my mom comes in. "He went to bed, you can come out now," she says, giving me a sad smile. She sits on my bed. "Tell me what happened." I tell her everything. After I'm done, she gives me a giant hug.

"Oh Mani,he's just confused right now. He didn't know how to react. You know, it was the same with your father. He told me to have an abortion, he said he wasn't ready for a kid. And that really hurt me like it hurt you. But as I thought more and more about it, I realized that he was just scared. Its the same with Arin. The first baby is always the scariest, because you don't know what to do. I promise he will come around. He still loves you so much Normani, he was so worried when he heard you crying for hours. I think he's realizing that he's making a mistake. Before the week is over, he will apologize. Trust me."

This makes sense, but I don't know. Arin wasn't about to change his mind. My mom always finds a way to make me feel better though. "Thanks mom, I love you." "I love you too Mani." She gives me one more hug and leaves the room. Ugh, I have to live with him for a week, lucky me! This is gonna be a long seven days," I mutter. It will be awkward this week, but I have faith in Arin. I've realized that the same Arin I fell in love with is still in there somewhere. I just need to dig him out. ;)


Arin doesn't want the baby :( hmm, maybe he will come around before he leaves for Ohio. Stay tuned!

I am against abortion, but that's okay if you aren't. I'm not one of those people that will get up in your face and make you have the same beliefs as them. We're cool :)



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