Chapter 11

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Normani's POV

It's Thursday night, and the girls and I sit in the living room looking through our fan mail. "We got so much at KIIS FM today," Ally says with a smile. Arin left Houston on Tuesday, and I flew to LA on Wednesday. Today we went to KIIS FM to sing and do interviews. A lot of Harmonizers showed up, we were pleasantly surprised. Speaking of Harmonizers, they know that I'm leaving 5H soon, but they don't know I'm pregnant. You can tell they're very confused.

The girls say that it's very important that I tell them soon. "You should tell them before you start showing so it won't be such a shock," Camila suggests. This makes sense. "So when should I tell them?" I ask. "Tonight, of course," Dinah responds. "Put a video on YouTube," Lauren adds. Well gosh they're always trying to run my life! But it's only because they love me. I guess I can do that, and then I won't have to worry about telling anyone else. Still, I'm not sure.

I guess I look doubtful, because Ally says, "You can do it, Mani Bear. You should be an expert by now!" We laugh, and I realize that she's right. I can handle this. I log into our YouTube account.

"Hey guys, Normani here. I know you're confused about why I left Fifth Harmony all of a sudden, and you deserve the truth. I'm pregnant with Arin Ray's baby. It was a mistake, but I'm owning up to it. I'm five weeks along, and Arin and I are still together, don't worry. And I promise that shortly after I have the baby I will be back in 5H. I don't hate you guys, I'm not mad. I love you so much, and I just need a little time. I hope you understand, and if you have more questions you can ask me on twitter, okay? Bye!" I blow a kiss and turn off the camera. After I upload the video, I scream at the top of my lungs.

The girls look at me curiously. "Are you okay?" Lauren asks. "Yep, I'm fine. I'm just so happy! I feel like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders." I say beaming. They smile back. "Yay, let's celebrate with food! Who wants ice cream?" Camz asks. We all do, of course, and Ally drives us to Brewsters. My life is like perfect right now.

Shortly after we get home, I see what people thought about my video. They all understand, and they're happy that I'm okay. I knew they would be supportive :) I'm still on twitter when I get a call from Arin's mom.

"Normani, Arin's been in a bad car accident!!" She exclaims. I'm so shocked I drop the phone.

Arin's POV

After the plane lands in Cincinnati, I get in my car and start to drive home. I'm so excited to tell my mom about the baby that I don't see the trailer truck speeding in my direction.

Arin's Mom POV

I arrive at the hospital, overcome with worry. "Is he going to be okay?!" I ask the nurses in the waiting room. "Ma'am he's in critical condition, we are doing everything we can to help him. The doctor will be out in a moment, just sit tight." I start to argue, but think better of it. He knows what he's doing with my son. I don't know what's going on, all I can do is wait. Eventually, Arin's brother arrives, and we wait together, holding hands. I don't know what I would do if he doesn't make it. I don't want to worry Normani, but she needs to know.

Normani's POV

"YOU'RE KIDDING RIGHT?!" I ask, starting to cry.

"I wish I was, Mani. We don't really know what's going on yet, the nurses just said he was in critical condition. I will call you back as soon as we know something." She sounds like she's about to cry. Arin and his brother are all she has, since their dad left. They're all really close. "Okay, thank you." I say with a sigh and hang up.

"OMG Normani, who was that?" Dinah asks with concern. I tell them what happened, and they all start to cry as well. By now I'm hysterical. "Mani, calm down! We know you love him very much, but all of this stress isn't good for your pregnancy. Here, come lay down." Camila says, getting up from the couch. Dinah holds my hand. "Arin's a tough guy, he'll make it," she promises. Eventually I stop crying, but I'm still so worried, we all are. Now all we can do is wait.


OMG!! Sorry if you don't like cliffhangers, but I'm updating in a few days. I'm going to the beach and I'm hoping our hotel has wifi.

Dinah's 16th bday was yesterday aww

And 5H is harmonizing America this summer!!! They're going across the country, so if you live in the USA I hope they come to all of you. And if you don't live here, they will come to your country soon don't worry :)


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