My Lover, Fun

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You look the beautiful table and room over. You are wearing a very dull gray dress and glancing up at Ciel nervously. Sebastian said you would be having Italian spaghetti for your main course with a chef salad and fruit bowl for a side. In France you hand't had much tea, but what you have been offered tastes lovely.

"Sorry about leaving you after only a quick introduction. It was very rude of me." Ciel says after taking a few bites.

"You are quite forgiven. You had work to attend to." You state simply and enjoy the wonderful meal. Ciel tensed up as you spoke of work. His job probably drains fun from him. . . Best not talk about it.

"What does London have to offer with art?" You ask, you loved to paint and draw. The Lau in France was always your favorite place to roam, art and inspiration at every step. It was always an imaginative adventure.

"Much. The Queen even has her own art supply shipments." He says and takes a sip of his tea. That was the point of that small chat, followed by several moments of silence.

"You have a lovely home." You try to strike up a conversation, though it seems he isn't a very good talker...

Mey-Rin comes in with another bowl of spaghetti, though she trips and Sebastian is to far away to catch her again. The spaghetti lands all over you, and Mey-Rin gasps in horror. You don't care though, this can only mean one thing. . .

"Food Fight!" You yell at the top of your lungs.

Bardroy, as you met on the way here, rushes in and you use the spaghetti in your hair to pelt him and Mey-Rin. Finnian laughs and uses the spaghetti on Bardroy to throw back at you.

You catch some of the noodles and throw them back at Mey-Rin. A splash of sauce lands on the side of Ciel's face and the room freezes. You look over at him, and his hard glare focuses on you.

He slowly wipes the sauce off his face and with a newly formed smirk, throws it at Sebastian. Sebastian ducks and looks at his master in confusion and horror, though he jumped into it and joins you quickly.

Laughing starts back up and you pelt Ciel with more spaghetti. After several more moments the flinging comes to a stop and everyone is on the floor panting and laughing.

Ciel has even smiled, and seemed to have enjoyed the messy endeavor. Sebastian looked slightly annoyed but even he had a smile. Now that the fight this over you look about the room. "I'll help clean up the mess." You say and stand up, looking to Sebastian. The tall butler shook his head. "We will handle this. You two should head upstairs and bathe." He says and looks down to Ciel, "Though it's not a total mess." You laugh and nod, heading upstairs to take a well desired back.

Ciel's POV

I don't know who was the one who had gotten sauce on my cheek, but but didn't matter. I had gotten them all back, and actually enjoyed throwing food at them. Something so undignified and messy can be fun. . . And fun is a word I rarely use.

Plays and jokes can be entertaining, but not fun. Fun is a completely diffrentnlevel of bliss, putting all worries aside to enjoy a moment of life, and ignorance to what is really around us.

I sank into the warm bubbles and looked about the bathroom. I want it redecorated. . . Possibly with a faded blue or purplish gray. As for the new mission given to me by the queen, that could wait. With a long sigh I dressed myself after drying off and headed downstairs, someone was on the Piano. This tune was fairly unfamilliar.

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