My lover, Welcome

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You have just been informed that you are to Mary the Earl Phantomhive, Ciel once he is of age. You are an orphaned French Nobel who has been living in London for only a month now, and you have loved it since you first arrived. Your dark venture with your vulture like parents is over, and so is the ordeal with foster care.

Ciel sounds like some one who is full of adventure and fun, though as you enter the town near his home the rumors you have heard contaminate your thoughts. Child beast? Spoiled brat? You doubt these are true, or at least certainly hope that they aren't.

The carriage pulls to a stop and a tall man with reddish brown eyes opens the door with a slight smile. "Hello miss l/n. We have been awaiting your arrival." He offers you his hand and you take it with a smile, letting him help you down the carriage. You were short for your age, most fourteen year olds are much taller by now. How old was Ciel again? The same as you? Maybe only a month older?

"This way." The man walks forward as the carriage pulls away. With an determined look you follow him, struggling to keep balance in your heals. Honestly I'm not a grown woman yet. . . You think and look about the manor.

White rose bushes decorate the gardens, and look trimmed to perfection. "Your gardener must be skilled. And I love roses." You muse. Though white roses weren't your favorite they were still pretty. Black roses, however, were extravagant. They were rare, and special. The color black always has been, for reasons you can't quite explain.

"Finnian is our Gardner. Is is very kind, as you will notice all of our staff if." The man speaks and glances back at you. He had something elegant about him, it made you curious about his origin. He certainly sounded like he was here from London, but something was just... off about him. you couldn't quite place your finger on it.

"Is Ciel very kind?" You ask and hold your arms across your back as you continue following the man. He doesn't respond for some moments. "The Young Lord can be, it depends on what mood strikes him. I'm sure he will offer you the warmest hospitality, of course."

That answer isn't very assuring. A kind man is what you need. One who will make you laugh, and dance like a mad man just to see you smile. A man who will be able to make you happy, a feeling you had often never felt. "And your name sir?" You ask him. The tall man opens the door and steps into the mansion after you. "Sebastian." He responds simply. You nod in satisfaction.

Sebastian signals for you to wait here, and you stand. "I shall retrieve the Master for you. He has also arranged gifts to be given." He tells you and leaves the room. Gifts? At least Ciel was trying to make a good first impression. That means the boy has a way with words, maybe a poet? Though you would rather have someone funny a poet or extreme romantic would suit you just as fine.

Only a moment later Sebastian returned with a boy with deep navy blue hair, and one big blue eye while the other was covered by an eye patch. "It's good to finally meet you in person Ciel." You say and hold out a hand to him. He looks at it bored-like and takes your hand, kissing it lightly and looking you over.

Or maybe neither. . .

"You look lovely f/n. Your dress is dazzling." He speaks lowly, and his tone has no warmth or kindness. It's actually quite droll. Even the butler seemed more upbeat than this boy. "You don't look to bad yourself." You state while looking him over in the same manor. He hands you a medium sized black box with a blue bow. "Shall I open it now?" You ask and look back up at Ciel, who nods.

You open it and look down at the beautiful snow globe with a white rabbit for the center piece. You loved snow globes!

"This is lovely." You say and carefully wind up the bottom, letting the melody play, and what played was a song you haven't heard in many years. The tune to "Lavenders Blue." You hug Ciel, though he seems he couldn't care less, and put the snow globe back into the box.

"You have more gifts in your room." He says plainly, "I have work to attend to." He adds and slowly walks up the large stair case. You watch in confusion as he leaves. 

"I shall show you to your room." Sebastian says and offers his hand to you, which you take happily.

Ciel just greeting and leaving you does make you feel troubled though. . . Was that all he would do? Compliment you, give you a gift, and then leave? 

"You must forgive my Master, he has had a troubling day." As if Sebastian could read your mind, those words reassured you halfway.

"Thank you." You tell him meekly as he opens the door to your lovely large room.

"He resides on the other side of the room when he is asleep. I am down the hall if you need me, and shall come get you when dinner is ready." And with that the tall man leaves you alone in the room with many many unopened boxes all of different sizes and colors.

With a soft sigh you take off the got rid shoes and put them beside your bed, winding up the music box and letting it play as you put away your cloths.

"Lavender's blue,
Dilly dilly,
Lavenders green.

When I am King,
Dilly dilly,
You shall be Queen.

Who told you so,
Dilly dilly,
Who told you so?

T'was my own heart,
Dilly dilly,
That told me so.

Call up your men,
Dilly dilly,
Set them to work.

Some to the plow,
Dilly dilly,
Some to the fork.

Some to make hay,
Dilly dilly,
Some to cut corn.

While you and I,
Dilly dilly,
Keep ourselves warm.

Lavender's green,
Dilly dilly,
Lavender's blue.

If you love me,
Dilly dilly,
I will love you.

Let the birds sing,
Dilly dilly,
Let the lambs play.

We shall be safe,
Dilly dilly,
Out of harms way.

I love to dance,
Dilly dilly,
I love to sing.

When I am Queen,
Dilly dilly,
You'll be my King.

Who told me so,
Dilly dilly,
Who told me so?

I told myself,
Dilly dilly,
I told me so."

You sang the song soundly, loud and soft. How you remembered every word after not hearing it since you were three was beyond your thoughts, and you wound up the music box and started to sing the lovely song once more.

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