My Lover, Innocent

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(The dress you are in is the picture through it has long sleeves and you are wearing white stockings with it.)

You had smoked salmon smear and beagles for breakfast. You liked salmon the second it touched your tongue. You had opened another of your gifts to find an art set, paints paper, pencils, and brushes. All of which, were high quality.

Gifts are nice but I'd much rather like to see more of Ciel. You thought just as Grell came up to insist you wear a red dress. You agreed seeing how lovely it looked and twirled around several times before awaiting the carriage to arrive.

"You like the color red very well don't you?" You had asked Grell, who had responded with a blush and a nod. "Its a love color on you as well."

Now you were in the carriage to town and looking out the window, sitting opposite of Ciel. His eyes were rested firmly on his hands in his lap and Sebastin was glaring at Grell. "London is lovely. The sun hitting the snow covering the ground makes it sparkle." You comment and look to Grell, who nods in agreement. "If only snow was red." Ciel scolded at Grell's comment.

Buildings come into view and you spot men sweeping up snow, and civilians walking along the streets. Soon the carriage comes to a stop and the two butlers step out. Sebastian holds out his hand to you and helps you down before he does the same to Ciel.

"The town square has many stores. Tell Sebastian where you wish to go and he shall take you, Grell let's head to th-""Hold just a second. You didn't say you had work to attend to." You interrupt him annoyed. Ciel turns to face you, no emotion in his expression though there was a cold tone as he spoke. "I shall only be a moment. You can shop alone can't you?" You sighed and folded your arms across your chest. "I suppose. Fine then, your work is important after all." You speak using his tone. Ciel doesn't seem to be offended by you mocking him, and he turns with Grell at his side.

"I would like some sheet music. And to clear my head." You say and face Sebastian. The tall butler offers you his elbow and you entwine it with yours before walking with him and the carriage pulls away. Out of the corner of your eye you see Grell walking into a place with a name of "The UnderTaker" . . . It sounded dark, and evil. Now you were very curious. His work no doubt. . .

Ciel's POV

"You had to put her in a red dress didn't you?" I asked Grell annoyed as we slowly walked into the home of the other reaper. He shrugged innocently and elbowed me. "I didn't see you complaining. . . " He said with a toothy smirk, and then the other former reaper appeared.

"Hello boy, come to get sized finally?" He asked. "You ask that question every time. . . No. I need to know how that man died, the one from two days ago. He had blonde hair, and green eyes." I demanded and looked him over. "And I won't tell any joke this time. I'll dig up the body myself if I have to." I said seriously.

The UnderTaker nodded, laughing madly as he spoke. "You already have made me laugh with your fooleshness." I eyed him. "And how am I foolish?" The man laughed again. "You, Phantomhive, don't know how to treat a woman." I growled. "And you do? Nng- Never mind. The man, how did he die?" I interrupted my train of thought and relaxed my anger. He wants to see me flustered. . . Relax yourself.

The man shrugged with more crazed cackling, "He was tortured. Burn marks up and down his body, and imprints of a rope on his legs and wrists. His body was found in the fountain in the center of town." He said and bowed. Grell eyed the UnderTaker. "Why would they wash away the blood? It's so pretty. . . " Grell said in disappointment. "One more thing. . ." The crazed man spoke and I whipped back around to face him, "Men who work for your contract will be looking for you tonight. Best keep inside! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" His laughing drove me mad, and I quickly left.

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