My Lover, Going to War

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Your POV

What was happening!? Ciel roughly dragged you along side him and the Undertaker while the servants fell instep close behind you. A shrill whistle came out of no where and you whipped around to see Sebastian an Grell joining the fray, Sebastian whistling with his fingers.

Farther back was a maid, and a butler. In between them was a boy no older than you. He had light blonde hair, icy blue eyes, and am evil smirk. What the hell?

Ciel abruptly stopped and you notice the trees on the other side of the clearing give way before a very large gray dog with red eyes leaped, and landed just beside you. He was growling and his eyes were firmly fixed on the boy, who wasn't phased by it in the slightest.

Ciel pulled you behind him and took a brave step foward as Grell and Undertaker came yo your side. Sebastian stood beside Ciel with a smirk on his face, and his eyes glowing in pink. The servants lined up on both sides of you, while the boy with his two servants approached slowly.

it looked as if you had a small army! Especially with Mey-Rina nd Bard carrying guns. Finny was holding a huge boulder. Are these their secrets Ciel warned me about?

"Alois Trancy, I should have known you would show up again sooner or later." Ciel said with a scowl, narrowing his eyes. "You're outnumbered. Leave and I may spare your life." He continued, though Alois' smirk only widened and he continued walking closer. . . and closer.

Sebastian glanced back at you, and then to Grell before nodding slowly. Grell let out a mad chuckle before you jerked around to look at what made him laugh so. He looked different though! His hair was a crimson scarlet, and his teeth were now shark- like. To top it all off the chainsaw he had from the magic show was now in his hands, and he revved it before letting out another howl of laughter.

"This is going to be deadly fun!" He did some odd gesture with his hand and tongue. In fear you took a step back. What is he? This isn't the Grell I know. . . He gave the weapon a few test swings, and you looked to the Undertaker, who had a long scythe out with a skull on the top, his hair was moved back to reveal glowing green orbs in an eerie light.

"Grell?" You looked your butler over, not sure of how to react to this new look and personality he was portraying. Where was that funny shy man who made silly jokes? He looked like a sadistic murderer now. This is what Ciel was really hiding. . .

Grell looked to you with a smile, though it didn't feel like you knew him anymore. "We've got this. Don't worry." He said and it slowly turned into a smirk before he revved it again and looked ahead. Why doesn't that make me feel any better?

"Claude, I order you to bring me that girl!"

"Sebastian, protects f/n at all costs!"

Both butlers lunged at one another, meeting in air with golden and silver knives. The maid dodged the demon hound trying to attack her, and Undertaker came closer to you, Finny had a look of determination while Mey-Rin and Bard aimed for Alois. Mey-Rin slowly removed her glasses, showing off pretty looking brown eyes before she took aim and just barely missed Alois' shoulder. Tanaka stood just beside you with his normal cup of tea, and doing his own little sounds.

"Take this, demon scum!" Grell howled and sliced at the maid, while she only barely dodged him, getting her skirt cut into shreds. The dog like beast took that at his chance and bit onto her arm, and slinging her about madly like some old chew toy. She flung him off and kicked Grell in the stomach before they all broke apart and started again.

Alois made a move towards Ciel while Bard and Mey-Rin were reloading, and Finny had already thrown his boulder to distract Claude.

"You don't even know about her powers!" Alois yelled with a smirk, his eyes were wide though his pupils were narrowed and looked frighting. He's mad!

"Master!" Sebastian called out as Alois rasied a knife. Claude had Sebastian pinned to the ground. Mey-Rin was having trouble reloading and Hannah had barreled into bard.

Who was going to save Ciel!?

Time seemed to slow down, and you raised your hand as if it would do any good.


Alois was flung back as if some invisible monster had just hit him across the head. He continued moving, until you put your hand down and raced over to Ciel in panic.

"Your highness!" Claude called out with a growl, Alois looked to be alright besides the fact that something had knocked the wind out of him, dirt and grass fell away and you could see a deep trail from where the force had dragged him roughly against the ground.

"F/n, You have powers beyond comprehension. Join forces with me and I can make you happy!" He said with a bright smile. Ciel shakily stood up and shakily grabbed your hand. He had a look of sadness in both eyes, as his patch had fallen away from the impact.

"F/n. Please. Please don't listen to him. He only wants to use you." Ciel pleaded and held his side, grunting in pain. You slowly shook your head and raised your hand again.

"Alois. Take your servants and leave, or I will kill you myself." You say and narrow your eyes. Alois scowls and looks you over.

"We'll go. Just kno you chose the wrong side. I always get my way, and I will have my way with you too. Claude, Hannah. . . we're leaving.' With that his servants came to his side and slowly limped away. You and the other servants all let out sighs of relief.

The only one really hurt was Ciel, and it was just a bruise from a rock he landed on when he hit the ground. You looked every one over, confused. . . you felt betrayed that they would leave so many details out when you had shared so much with them. Now it was like you didn't even know them . . . especially Grell.

"I told you we had secrets. . . We were going to let them out one by one as to not overload you with these burdens of my life. I should have been better prepared for Alios to show." He said and shook his head with his eyes closed.

"Demons. . . Reapers. . . and this. . . dog." You look tot he demon hound. Grell shrank back and the Undertaker's smile faded. You pushed past every one and stopped at Grell before speaking, though your gaze was firmly fixed on the ground, not him. "You. . . This is worse than lying to me. You let me get to know some one who wasn't you." You glanced back to Ciel.

"I didn't consider going with that creep for a moment. But I'm not so sure I want to be near anyone right now. . . I don't even know how I got Alois off of you. Mey-Rin, Bard, Finny. . . will you come with me?" You ask, all three of the servants nod and follow you inside and up into your room since guests had already started to leave.

"Why'd you only want us?" Mey-Rin asked and put her glasses back down.

"Because you're the only ones I know."

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