My Lover, Excitable

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(The video is the song you play)

You had finished bathing and had spotted Sebastian cleaning a wonderful grand piano. "May I play a song?" You asked him. Sebastian turned around to face you, "Of course Lady l/n. This piano is hardly touched by my Lord." He says and pulls the stool over to you.

"Splended." You respond and take a seat, placing your hands cuffed into a C over the C3 and C6 keys. (Band nerd XD)

"What song shall you play?" Sebastian asks curiously. "Für Elise. It is a German man's composition. The man died in his late fifties and around ten years before Queen Victoria's rein, as I've been told." You explain. (I went and looked it up. . . Lol)

Sebastian looks you over, "I don't believe I've heard it before. Let's hear it." With that you nod and begin to play the melody, hitting each forte and piano note dynamically correct. Sebastian watches your hands as they move, though you are focused entirely on memorizing the notes. Not having the paper before you makes it slightly more challanging. You have to remember every crescendo, every repeat, every digit! Some how you haven't messed up. . . Outstanding.

"What is this song?" You stop playing and look to Ciel with a smile, though the gesture isn't returned. "Für Elise." You respond nervously. Did he not like it? Or was it the fact he probably didn't like you?

Ciel takes a seat beside you, looking the Piano over. "Start over. I wish to hear it all. . . Please." You are surprised he asked with a please at the end, and nod before restarting.

After you have played the song again you stop and hold your head low. How can I mary a man who doesn't even like me?

"Do you know more of this man's music?" Ciel asks you, and you look up at him. You nod stiffly. "Moonlight Sonata the third movement is one of the hardest but my favorites by him. I could play it after I refresh my mind if you like." You suggest and look the Piano over. "Yes. We are going on the town tomorrow anyways. I'm sure we can find a music shop to get your sheets." He tells you.

You smile brightly. "Really? That's so generous!" You grab his hand instead of hugging him and squeeze it lightly. "We will be getting you more cloths of your choice as well. Sebastian, fetch Grell." Sebastian looks you both over and disappears for a moment to get the Grell man. You look Ciel over, "You don't have to pretend to be interested in me Ciel." You say and remove your hand from his, placing it into your lap. Ciel raises a brow at you, "Pretend? I am not pretending anything regarding you. Sorry if my ill temper makes you think so, f/n. I have not had the best week." He explained. You nod, hoping he means it.

A man and Sebastian return, though the man has glasses he looks dignified in some manor, was this Grell? He didn't look menacing, nor did the stutter as he spoke make him threatening. "Grell, you are now Miss l/n's butler. I should expect you to treat her as Sebastian does me." Both of the men's eyes widened. "M-me?! Her butler!?" You look Grell over. He seems very nervously put, and his pretty green eyes darted back and forth from you to Ciel. I don't need a butler. . . I can take care of myself. Though I will not argue with Ciel. You think and smile at Grell.

"Yes. You now have some purpose Grell. Other than making me repeat myself." Ciel says sharply. Grell bows, "My apologies." The man says and offers you his hand, which you take and let him help you off the stool.

He seems a lot stronger than he looks, especially with how easily he lifted you up with just three fingers. "I believe it's time for every one to get some rest. Grell, don't mess this up." Sebastian says and leads Ciel back upstairs. Grell and yourself follow close behind.

Once back inside your room Grell seems confused on what to do next, and stands in the doorway as you look the snowglobe over. I love rabbits. They are so small and cute. You think and remember you once had a bunny named Charlie, a snowy white baby rabbit that you let go in the gardens once he was older. Though Ciel couldn't have known that it so must have been an odd coincidence. You placed the snowglobe down and looked over the still unopened presents.

"Grell. I have an odd request of you." You state as you notice the darkness outside the window. "C-certainly." The butler says and pushes up his glasses. "Don't tell Ciel anything about me." You say. Grell gives you an odd look, "W-what do you mean?"

"I think he's asking what I like from other people. I love snowglobes, rabbits, and the melody of several songs. He put all of that in one without having even seen me before. I don't know how he got the information but. . ." You sit on the bed in confusion. Grell nods though, "I understand. You want him to ask you himself. I shall not tell him a thing." He says with a warm smile.

"Thank you. Goodnight Grell." With that you shimmy under the covers and watch Grell close the door.

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