My Lover, Clever

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You wake up, a headache and bound in chains. They are rusty, and where you are feels damp and cold. Your vision is blurred but you can make out the figure of Ciel and some masked men talking to him. Your only instinct is to not move, let them think you're still out from the drugs, or whatever it is they did or used on you. Ciel's eye patch is off and his eye is closed tightly still. Why had he been wearing it anyway?

"Tell us what the Queen is planning!" One of the men demand and slamed a hand against the cobblestone wall. By the musty scent and dark, damp look, you must be in some sort of basement or cellar. No one would find you here. . . "She is planning nothing. Even if she was what makes you think I'd tell you?" Ciel asks with a smirk. Is he trying to get himself beaten!? You think in panic and pain, though you keep your eyes mostly closed and keep your breathing steady and soft. The pain is from the man hitting you in your back with some sharp object, and you had to hold back your voice from letting them know you were alive. You couldn't even let your body tense or your breath change.

"Who is this woman?" Another man asks and approaches you with a pistol in his hand. You ease your your eyes closed all the way and ready yourself to be punched, shot or anything. "A new servant you dragged down here with me. A shame you had to damage an unconscious maid." Ciel says as if he couldn't care less, and you can almost hear him rolling his eyes.

"So why is she dressed like a Nobel? Were you having an affair?" another man scoffs and prods your forehead with the gun. "I can afford to put them in proper clothing. Are you here to interrogate the drugged girl servant who barely speaks English, or me?" He asks, sounding bored almost. You hear something knock against what sound's like what should be Ciel, but it was loud. . . "Leave them. . . and if you don't start talking when we get back then we'll start killing the people at your home." With that the footsteps disappear shortly after a door slams and locks. You shoot up and look over at Ciel, was he knocked out cold?!

He takes a slow breath in and looks to you, blood smears his face and a bruise is forming on the side of his head. "Well done, you almost had me fooled too. Don't worry. and when they come back be sure to lay back down. If they force you awake be frantic, and scream out anything that sounds like french gibberish." You look Ciel over in horror.

"That's a swell plan and all but it's only prolonging the inevitable. . ." You say and look down at your bindings. The chains and rope are tight, you can hardly move at all. Ciel smirks, "Just stick to my words and you'll be fine. Sorry I had to drag you into this. Oh, and they'll be back-" The sound of a gunshot breaks though Ciel's talking. "Never mind. . . he's here early, lift your shoulder." You tilt your head at him in confusion but, with great difficulty, lift your shoulder and the rope on your hands and arms fall away. You look behind you to see what could have done it, and spot a sharp rake.

With that you do the same with your feet and cut off the ends of the chains held by thin strings. These men weren't very organized with keeping their victims, with that you break off a piece of the splintering wood floorboard and undo Ciel's bindings. "Who is here early? And why did you say 'Sorry for bringing me into this?' Is this some sort of joke?" You asked annoyed. Ciel shakes his head and stands up, holding out a hand to you. You take it and let him help you up as well, though it hurts to walk and you can't feel anything below your thighs. Your fingers are also numb.

A foot breaks through the door, one that is a dressy black. "Young master, you've been freed already?" Sebastian asks confused, looking you both over with a concerned, yet. . . amused, glances. "She is smarter than she looks." Ciel says and notices you leaning on the wall for all of your support, and sweeps you off your feet effortlessly, now holding you bridal style. "I can walk!" You complain hoarsely.

Ciel shakes his head. "You can walk about as good as a snake. . . Sorry we'll get you home right away so that I can explain everything. . . A bit sooner that I had hoped, might I add." he sighs as if annoyed, and Sebastian opens the already broken door, bowing as Ciel passes with you in his arms.

"Everything will make sense." Sebastian assures you and all three of you leave the horrid place, though Ciel covers your eyes until you are out the door.

Ciel's POV

F/n was light in my arms, and her blue dress seemed to be in my liking. . . I had to cover her eyes till we were out of the building because Sebastian just had to make it a geniside.

I'll try to hold off on explaining about Grell. His true form may scare her. I thought and looked to Sebastian. He simply smiled at me, as if amused. F/n suddenly wrapped her hands around my neck and propped herself into a supposedly more comfortable position.

I felt my face flush and I held back from looking at her. Her pretty e/c eyes occupied my thoughts and I sighed. I didn't want to be forced to marry any one I didn't like. . . Or anyone really. It's a selfish thought when she is trying so hard just to get me to at least talk to her. . . If I entrust her with these secrets it will hopefully tell her that I trust her, and in fact care a lot.

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