My Lover, Magical

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Ciel's POV

Sebastian had glared at me when I refused to dance with f/n, so I gave in and danced with her. She seemed to enjoy it, at least.

Grell had to bud in of course, he also just had to imply he knew about Sebastian. . . F/n, unfortunately, seemed to catch on and looked him over with confusing and horror.

I glared the Grim Reaper down, I'm going to have Sebastian 'talk' with him later. He may be a divine being but all he needs to worry about is f/n right now.

Grell winked at me and I growled.

"Now, Bassy needs my help setting up. I'm going to be his assistant." He stated mater of fact like. I rolled my eyes and groaned in annoyance while F/n gasped in awe.

"The show had better be amazing then." I threatened. Grell nodded with a smile before leaving through the crowd.

F/n grabbed my hand tightly before following Grell to the small stage that they had already set up. Grell joined Sebastian on the stage and both butlers smiled over the crowd.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, what we are about to show are no perestroika, or illusions. This is all real magic. I also strongly suggest you try none if these attempts at home, since I am one he of a butler, and all of your are not." Sebastian said and pointed to Grell, who pulled out a wardrobe.

"We will start simple." He said with a smile and opened the door, and then Grell stepped inside and closed it.

"Dont blink, or you may miss it." Sebastian said with a smirk and then locked the door to where it made a loud click over the quiet crowd. He then picked up a blanket and threw it over himself.

When the blanket fell Grell was standing where Sebastian had been standing, and bowed before opening the wardrobe to reveal Sebastian standing inside, which he also bowed.

F/n clapped and giggled before Grell pushed the wardrobe back.

"Now, for our next trick we will do something a bit more. . . Dangerous." Grell said nd picked up a candle before placing it in the floor. Confused ad curious murmurs ran throughout the crowd as he did so.

What is this idiot doing now? I thought with a growl. Grell snapped and all the other line :-) t-shirt in the ballroom dimmed or died out, leaving only the faintest light of the candle to live chin t the room.

Suddenly, Sebastian raised his hand, and the flame rose with it. Sebastian's bawled up fist quickly incurred and then the flame exploded out words toward the crowd, who gasped in awe and fear.

He bawled up his fist again and all of the flame came back, starting to form into a small ball of fire.

He had better not burn anything! I thought and narrowed my eyes at him, watching closely to see what my butler would do.

Slowly the ball rose higher into the air and grew on size, about to that of his head.

"Now, let's see. . . Who shall the flames choose to come on stage with us?" He asked and ran his gaze over the crowd before dropping his hand.

The ball of fire levitate around the room, floating just above every one's heads. I knew who he would choose though.

As if i had spoken a cue or older itself the ball stopped directly above f/n's head and unraveled into a string before spinning around her brightly.

"Oh my. It appears that the flame is biased. Miss l/n here is our guest of honor after all." Sebastian said with a smile and reached out his hand to f/n, who took his and let him help her onto the stage.

The fiery strange now formed back into a ball and levitated out beside Sebastian.

"My Lady, what is your favorite animal?" He asked and grabbed the ball in his hand.

"A rabbit." She answered quickly and looked over the crowd.

"A rabbit you say?" Sebastian asked with a smile. The ball of fire shrunk in his hand and started to take some odd shape.

Take ears, a fluffy white tail, and it picked up its head before springing I to the crowd.

A rabbit made out of fire? He's just playing around now.

The matter frolicked about madly over the crowd before ungrounded back and jumped into the stage, and exploded in to sparkly red and orange glitter all around her.

The crowd burst into clapping and cheers while Sebasitan and Grell stood on weather side of f/n, both of them grabbing her hands and bowing alongside her.

Grell then rolled a box into the center of the stage. "Now, my Lady. Would you permit me to saw you in half?" Grell asked and opened the box.

Sebastian seemed calm enough, but surely Grell was joking. . . Now way in he would she allow it either!

"Sure." She said with a nod and bright smile to her butler. He took her hand and helped her up the steep steps and into the box.

Would he use his death scythe!? Sure this was just a joke!

"Please don't try this at home. . . Though I doubt any of you have a weapon of this kind anyway. It is still very dangerous and should only be done by us butlers." Sebastian said with a smirk and stepped to the side before nodding to Grell.

As I looked back to Grell I noticed something in his hands. . . Something that filled me with dread and made my stomach sink. . . His death scythe.

F/n smiled at Grell and he winked at her before revving his scythe and slicing the entire box in half.

I held my breath as F/n was still . . . And smiling. The crowd clapped and cheered before Sebastian threw a blanket over it and suddenly lying the box was gone, and my beloved was sta ding between both butlers in one piece with a huge smile in her face.

Sebastian and Grell bowed a few times before hopping off the stage and helping f/n get down and restoring all of the lights. The band started up again and a few people went to go dance. To my surprise, Grell and Sebastian were heading that direction. . . Together.

Are they going to dance? Maybe Sebastian owes him something?

F/n entwined her elbow with mine and I sighed out in relief, happy to have her back by my side a d smiling again.

"They were amazing!" She said exasperatedly, hugging herself against me. I was about to text her that she was amazing. . . When. Something off caught my eye.

I saw an eerily familiar someone heading towards the door, a purplish coat and bright blonde hair. . .

Alois Trancy!?

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