Glitter Rocks

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"How dare you!"

"No, how dare you!"

Butch and Cassidy glared at the team of Jessie, James, and Meowth, who glared back as equally as deadly. The five of them had been sent to Geosenge Town to infiltrate the Team Flare Headquarters, but they had never gotten along, especially Jessie and Cassidy.

"You make a horrible red head," Jessie hissed at Cassidy.

"I do have red hair!" Cassidy protested in indignation.

Jessie laughed obnoxiously. "Yeah, right!"

"It's strawberry blonde! It counts!"

"Does not!"

"Does too!"

"I always thought Cassidy's hair was golden blonde," Butch muttered.

"Was anybody asking you, Brett?" James snidely asked.

Butch glared at him. "It's Butch! Butch!"

"At least I'm a natural, real red head," Jessie sneeringly grinned.

"So what? No one in this stupid Team Flare are natural red heads!" Cassidy narrowed her eyes, quietly arguing her point.

"Their boss Lysandre is," Jessie muttered.

"Bah! Who cares about him! Giovanni's the best!"

The five of them took a moment and then nodded in agreement. That, at the least, they could agree on.

"What's going on here?" one of Team Flare's scientists stormed up to the group, having heard most of their argument from even a distance away. Not hard, considering this group's voices.

Blue-haired, visored, and wearing her customized Flare outfit, they recognized the Flare scientist Mable right away. The high-ranked member equivalent to their Rocket Executives was not as intimidating as any of them, but then again the five undercover Rockets were used to the likes of the sadistic Proton, deceivingly laid-back Petrel, and the unmentionables Ariana and Archer.

Cassidy plastered on a smile and then pointed accusingly at Jessie. "It's her fault. She accused me of not being a natural red head."

Jessie huffed and crossed her arms. "Well, she isn't. Truth hurts."

Mable snarled at them. "I don't care! We need to get moving. Apparently Xerneas escaped from the Lumiose base, and we need to go looking for it. That or if we run across Yveltal. At this point, either one will do."

The five of them exchanged looks, hiding discreet smirks.

"Yes, ma'am!" they chorused.

Mable eyed them before turning on her heel and leaving them behind.

"Sabotage?" James nearly cackled.

"Sabotage is a go," Butch clapped his hands and rubbed them eagerly.

"Meowth, that's right!"


"We should be heading to the Kalos Power Plant now, yeah?" Ash asked, yawning as she stretched in her seat. She adjusted her seat belt, but she still felt antsy.

Giovanni hmmed, reaching to grab his cup from the cup holder and take a drink of his coffee.

"We should be on the way."

"I wonder if Serena and Lysandre are hitting it off," Ash mused aloud. "That would be nice."

Giovanni's eye twitched. "Don't. Just...don't."

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