Queen of Disaster

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Ash was warm and didn't want to wake up. But unfortunately, she couldn't help herself and she started to feel more aware and awake. She yawned and wiggled out of her blanket, and sat up on her knees, rubbing her eyes with a fisted hand.

"Good morning," she heard Giovanni call out neutrally, and she looked up to see him sitting at the small table by the window, calmly reading the newspaper and drinking coffee.

"Morning," she muttered back, fighting back another yawn. She sniffed the air and glanced at the coffee cup next to him with a small happy grin. "Smells nice in here."

"I decided to try the white chocolate macadamia creamer this morning," he told her, flipping the page.

She let herself have a pleased grin, inwardly happy that she managed to get him to change his coffee habits. Tossing the blanket completely away from her, she slid off the bed and stretched, getting all the kinks out of her body.

"M'gonna go bathroom," she let out one last yawn and headed to the bathroom.

She did her business quickly and had just started to wash her hands, when she looked up and saw herself in the mirror. She blinked.

She screamed loudly.

Back in the room, Giovanni snickered to himself and smirked. When she ran into the room, he looked up finally and eyed the marks on her in satisfaction.

"I've been bitten alive by bugs," she screamed in terror. "Or maybe bug pokémon, considering some of these bites are big…"

He sweatdropped. Okay, he hadn't expected that.

"No," he deadpanned. "Those are love bites. Hickeys. They aren't bug bites."

She stared at him for a moment, before a dark look crossed her face. "You! You did it!"

He inwardly pouted. "I was hoping you wouldn't figure that out quickly, and would've blamed those idiots from the bar last night first."

"I'm not laughing, asshole!"

He sniffed haughtily. "Serves you right for going to strangers and taking drinks from them, never mind getting drunk with those morons. Where did your senses go?"

Ash gave him an incredulous look. "Are you trying to teach me a lesson?"

Giovanni gave her a look, and she turned on her heel and stormed out of the room. He rolled his eyes.

"You're still in your pajamas!" he called out, though she was long gone.

He chuckled and went back to focus on the paper, eying the article about the latest Team Flare activity.

"Soon," he muttered smugly.

He was shocked out of his mind, when he was suddenly doused with cold water. He dropped his soggy newspaper onto the table and turned his head to look at the culprit, seeing a smirking Ash holding a large bowl that had probably housed the water that was dumped on him.

"Oh, sorry. It looked like your big, pervert head needed a really cold shower to cool off," she said sarcastically. "Maybe you should take a hot one now, before you catch a cold from the draft."

He scowled. "You know what, I will. And I'll take an extra long one to take up all the hot water while I'm at it."

Giovanni got up and stormed into the bathroom, after he'd grabbed new clothes to wear. He took as long as he wanted, making sure to take up the hot water as he said, although he knew it probably wouldn't matter since they were staying in a public venue and hot water was always readily available.

Like a Boss [Pokemon Fanfic, 2015 PKMNWatties]Where stories live. Discover now