Chapter3- Demon Bite

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It started raining and I put my hood up. By the time we got to where we needed to be, it was dark and we were drenched.

"It's so weird. His truck's here." Clary said looking into a building. "Come on. This way." She motioned us to the side of the building.

"You wait here." Jace said to Simon.

"Who made you the boss?" Simon retorted. I rolled my eyes.

"It's okay. Just let us know if anyone comes." Clary said. Simon nodded and Jace and I followed Clary. We walked down some stairs and into a little flat. "I've known Luke all these years, but I've never been down here." We saw a room with padded walls. "What?"

"Come on, mate!" We heard someone yell. Clary started to walk but I cought her arm. Jace and I walked ahead of her. "Now listen, all you got to do, mate, is tell me the truth."

"I'm telling you, I don't know where the Cup is." Another voice said. They sounded weak and hurt.

The three of us carefully went behind a bookshelf. I took out my stele and hit it against my wrist. It illuminated. I held it up to the book case and a window-like circle appeared.

A man was strapped into a chair with two men dressed in black standing infront if him. The man in the chair, I'm guessing, was Luke.

"I'm going to ask you again, mate, where's the Cup?" The one man said.

"I don't know." Luke said. The man slapped him. I made a silent gasp and my hand trembled. Jace took his hand and put it on mine to make it still.

"Thanks." I mouthed. He gave me a half smile and nodded.

"We all want the same thing, Lukey boy, don't we?" The man asked. "Difference is, I think you know where it is. Don't you? Come on. Come on. Talk!" He slapped him again.

"We need to go." I said. I was about to pull my hand away before Clary stopped it.

"No, please, you have to help him." Clary begged.

"You don't understand," Jace said. "They work for Valentine. He's a dead man. We can't help him."

"He's like family." Clary said.

"You know what's really amazing, is how much you really look like a human." The man said. "Isn't it great?" He turned to the other man laughing. He slapped Luke again.

"Please." Clary said desperately.

"Are you gonna get mad? Are you gonna change?" The man taunted. "I wanna see you change." He slapped Luke. "Show me how you can change." Long nails started to come out of Luke's fingers. "Look at that. Huh?" He slapped him again. I took Clary's hand and put the stele in it.

I went over to a bear trap that was on the floor. Jace followed. We started to pull it towards ourselves silently.

"You're going to tell us where Jocelyn hid the Cup. Then you can have her back. She'll be safe and sound."

"I don't want her back." Luke said. "I couldn't care less. I have spent years cozying up to that woman and her brat for the Mortal Cup. Pangborn, listen to me. I want to be the one to give her to Valentine."

"Yeah, right." Pangborn scoffed. I looked over at Clary who had taken the stele away and was silent. Jace and I continued to silently pull the trap over. Clary leaned over and knocked a vase off the shelf causing it to break. Jace picked up the trap and shoved it at Pangborn.

"Clary run!" I yelled. She started running out of the room.

"Clary listen!" Luke yelled, but she didn't stop. This isn't 'Simon Says', Luke. I thought, Mainly because Simin is outside. My whip quickly unraveled and was hanging freely. I whipped it at the other man and he fell to the ground. Pangborn punched Jace and he fell as well.

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