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You followed your three dads to the park they were all unique to you. The first one was your vati Gilbert he says he's the most awesome man on earth then there's your papa Antonio he loved tomatoes and churros, he also smiled alot. Then lastly your daddy Francis,he had a french accent and made you yummy food and always talked about this guy with big eyebrows and called him grouchy brows which made you giggle. When you arrived at the park they let you run off and do what you want, you had saw a school friend of yours named Alfred he considered himself a hero and always insisted you need saving. You ran over to him and he started showing you his captain America shield then out of the blue you leaned in and kissed him seeing your daddy Francis do that to your vati Gilbert to shut up so you thought it would make Alfred shut up for a moment.
Alfred was ripped from you and then you met Mr.grouchy brows "you bloody git,you just don't go around kissing strange boys did your parents not teach you any better" he yells and you tear up "it was only a nice way to tell him to be quite" you say pouting.
"Its rude" Mr.grouchy brows says then you stomp your little foot "VATI,PAPA,DADDY I NEED HELP" you yell out then Mr.grouchy brows raised a huge eyebrow "I'LL SAVE YOU I'M THE HERO" Alfred yells then your three fathers ran up to you "vhat is the matter (y/n)" your vati says then you point at Mr.grouchy brows and said "Mr.grouchy brows yelled at me" making your daddy try not to laugh "its you three,of course this would be your kid. Teach (him/her) not to kiss random boys,Alfred doesn't need to catch diseases"Mr.grouchy brows says.
" says the black sheep of Europe,they also go to school together and are in the same class. It was also an innocent kiss I saw it"your daddy says then picks you up. "Let's go get ice cream" your vati yells and you nod in agreement to his ice cream proposal.

(Sorry it was short but I was aiming for cute and short)

Child reader x 2p!hetalia and hetalia one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now